Page 3644 of 3647 Results 36431 - 36440 of 36467
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Nowak J. (1967): Porosty wyzyny Wielunskiej. The lichens of the Wielum Upland - Acta Mycol. [Poland], 3: 209-242

CNH EndNote Read more... 

Ходосовцев О.Є. & Уманець О.Ю. [Khodosovtsev A.Ye. & Umanets O.Yu.] (2009): Phoma cladoniicola Diederich, Kocourk. & Etayo – новий для України вид ліхенофільного гриба з Олешківських пісків [Phoma cladoniicola Diederich, Kocourk. & Etayo, a new for Ukraine lichenicolous fungus from Oleshkivs’ky Sands] - Чорноморський ботанічний журнал [Chornomorski Botanical Journal], 5(2): 273-275

Data about new for Ukraine lichenicolous fungus Phoma cladoniicola Diederich, Kocourk. & Etayo are reported. It was found on sand dunes in the Lower Dnieper (Kherson region, Ukraine). The fungus causes the disease with mosaic dying off of lichen thallus in Cladonia phomosis . one of dominant species of the biological crust in the sand-dunes ecosystems of Lower Dnieper. The lichenicolous fungus is found on C. arbuscula, C. subrangiformi and C. subulata for the first time. EndNote Read more... 

Anonymus [Rabenhorst L.] (1868): P. J. Hellbom, die in der Schwedischen provinz Nerika aufgefundenen seltneren Flechtenarten. (Separatabdruck aus den Öfvers. af k. Vet. Akad. Förh. 1865. N. 6.) - Hedwigia, 7: 111-112

extract in German, reproduced Latin descriptions EndNote Read more... 

Capozzi F., Sorrentino M.C., Granata A., Vergara A., Alberico M., Rossi M., Spagnuolo V. & Giordano S. (2023): Optimizing moss and lichen transplants as biomonitors of airborne anthropogenic microfibers - Biology, 12(10): 1278 [13 p.]

Anthropogenic microfibers (mfs) are synthetic particles composed of cellulose (cotton, rayon, acetate, etc.) or petrochemical-based polymers (i.e., microplastics—MPs) that are less than 5 mm in length. The accumulation of mfs, including MPs, in the moss Hypnum cupressiforme and the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea was compared in a transplant experiment lasting 6 weeks. We also tested the effects of the bag used for transplants on the accumulation of mfs. Anthropogenic particles trapped by both biomonitors … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Berger F. & Türk R. (1993): Neue und seltene Flechten und lichenicole Pilze aus Oberösterreich, Österreich - Linzer Biologische Beitrage, 25(1): 167-204

New to Central Europe: Arthopyrenia subcerasi, Bacidia carneoglauca, Halecania viridescens. New to Austria: Arthonia hypnophila, B. viridescens, Caloplaca lucifuga, Dactylospora pertusaricola, Lecanora rupicola var. efflorens, Libertiella malmedyensis, Polycoccum peltigerae, Scoliciosporum schadeanum, Taeniolella beschiana EndNote Read more... 

Huh J., Park C., Kim T., Hahn I., Kim G.W., Lee E. & Kim J.H. (2020): Measurements of the specific activities of 137Cs in Antarctica environmental samples by using the low-level radiation analysis method - Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 77(3): 217–222

Since the King Sejong Korean Antarctic Research Station began operation in 1988, studies of various fields have been then carried out in polar regions and significant achievements have been yielded. However, environmental and biological radiations have not been dealt with compared to other research areas. In this study, the 137Cs distribution is investigated for environmental elements in the vicinity of the two research stations, the Jang Bogo Station and the King Sejong Station, operated by the … URL EndNote Read more... 

Søchting U. & Arup U. (2018): Marchantiana asserigena comb. nov., a possible European immigrant from Australia - Graphis Scripta, 30(6): 115–120

Caloplaca asserigena is known to have a secondary compound different from other species of Teloschistaceae in the Northern Hemisphere. Studies of the secondary chemistry of the Australian Teloschistaceae have revealed the same compound to be present in Marchantiana michelagoensis and Caloplaca marchantiorum. Subsequent molecular studies based on three genes support the affinity of C. asserigena and M. michelagoensis. Accordingly, the species is tentatively included in the genus Marchantiana. Marchantiana … URL EndNote Read more... 

Clerc P., Camenzind R., Dietrich M., Groner U., Grundlehner S., Oberli F., Scheidegger C. & Wildi E. (1992): Lobaria amplissima (Scop.) Forss. dans les Prealpes Vaudoises - Meylania, 1: 16-20

Switzerland EndNote Read more... 

Szatala O. (1930): Lichenum cacuminum Tatraensium I - Folia Crypt., 7: 929-932

H02 EndNote Read more... 

Magnusson A. H. (1932): Lichens from western North America mainly Washington and Alaska - Ann. Crypt. Exot., 5: 16-38

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Page 3644 of 3647 Results 36431 - 36440 of 36467