Page 3636 of 3648 Results 36351 - 36360 of 36473
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Домнина Е.А. & Шапиро И.А. (Domkina E.A. & Sapiro I.A.) (2008): Физиологические особенности некоторых видов лишайников в условиях южной тайги - in : Виноградова К.Л. (eд) (2008): Фундаментальные и прикладные проблемы ботаники в начале XXI века. Материалы всероссийской конференции (Петрозаводск, 186-189

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Урбанавичене И.Н. & Урбанавичюс Г.П. [Urbanavichene I.N. & Urbanavichus G.P.] (2008): Фисциоидные лишайники Бурятии и сопредельных регионов [FISCIOIDES LICHENS OF BURATIJA AND CONTIGUOUS REGIONS] - Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии: Сборник научных статей по материалам VII Mеждународной научно-практической конференции (2008 г., Барнаул) / Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia: Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific-P, p. 351-354, Барнаул: АRТИКА [Barnaul: Artika]

Physcioid lichens of Buryatia and adjacent regions. In Russian with English summary as follows: The preliminary results on morphological, ecological characteristics and distribution species of the genus Anaptychia, Heterodermia, Hyperphyscia, Phaeophyscia, Physcia, Physciella, Physconia, Pyxine for the territory of Buryatia, Irkutsk and Chita Region are reported. The identifying key characters in the different genus of physcioid lichens from Russia are published. EndNote Read more... 

Урбанавичюс Г.П. & Урбанавичене И.Н. [Urbanavichus G.P. & Urbanavichene I.N.] (2014): Фитогеографические наблюдения за Lobaria pulmonaria (L.) Hoffm. в Мордовском заповеднике - Труды Мордовского государственного природного заповедника имени П. Г. Смидовича, Саранск, 12: 372–382

[in Russian]; Lobaria pulmonaria; Russia; Republic of Mordovia; Red Data Book EndNote Read more... 

Ковалева Н.М. [Kovaleva N.] (2007): Фитомасса эпифитных лишайников в лиственничнике мелкотравно-зеленомошном [THE EPIPHYTE BIOMASS OF LICHENS ON LARCH STAND] - Проблемы ботаники Южной Сибири и Монголии: Сборник научных статей по материалам VI Mеждународной научно-практической конференции (2007 г., Барнаул) / Problems of Botany of South Siberia and Mongolia: Proceedings of the 6th Internationation Scientific, p. 292-294, Барнаул: АзБука [Barnaul: Azbuka]

In Russian with English summary as follows: Epiphyte biomass of lichens was estimated for 25 individual trees (Abies sibirica Ledeb., Larix sibirica Ledeb., Picea obovata Ledeb., Pinus sylvestris L., Betula pendula Roth.) in Larch stand. The main part of biomass of lichens on conifer trees (Pinus, Abies, Larix) is formed by fruticose lichens (70 %), but on deciduous tree (Betula) is done by foliose these (60 %). From 62 % (Betula) up to 94 % (Picea) of epiphyte biomass is located on branches. … EndNote Read more... 

Кондратюк С.Я., Джеонг М.-Х., Чарнефельт І., Іліх Дж.А., Хо Д.-С. & Тель А. [Kondratyuk S.Y., Jeong M.-H. , Kärnefelt I., Elix J.A., Hur J.-S. & Thell A.] (2012): Філогенія і таксономія родини Teloschistaceae (Ascomycota): Важливість монофілетичних груп [Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Teloschistaceae (Ascomycota): Importance of monophyletic groups] - Modern Phytomorphology, 1: 53-57

The molecular phylogeny of the Parmeliaceae, Physciaceae, Caliciaceae and many other families of lichen-forming fungi is now based on polyphasic approach using up to six or seven different genes of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. As a consequence the taxonomy of the Parmeliaceae and other families can now be based on segregation of robust monophyletic groups of species. The majority of phylogenetic analyses of small species groups of the Teloschistaceae (especially of Caloplaca) are based on ITS1/ITS2 sequences … EndNote Read more... 

Андреев М.П. [Andreev M.P.] (1988): Флора лишайников острова Кинг-Джордж (Антарктика). De lichenoflora insulae King-George (Antarctis) notula - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 25: 118-124

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Корчиков E.C. [Korchikov E.S.] (2010): Флористическое биоразнообразие особо ценного Красносамарского лесного массива Самарской области: II. Лишайники - Самарская Лука: проблемы региональной и глобальной экологии, 19(2): 122-150

Russia EndNote Read more... 

Нипорко С.О., Барсуков О.О. & Капець Н.В. [Nyporko S.O., Barsukov O.O. & Kapets N.V.] (2018): Флористичні знахідки мохоподібних, лишайників та ліхенофільних грибів з Національного природного парку "Гуцульщина" [Floristic records of mosses, lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Hutsulschyna National Nature Park] - Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 75(2): 179–186

[in Ukrainian with English abstract: ] Results of the research conducted during 2016–2017 in Hutsulshchyna National Nature Park are reported. Main goals of our study were to obtain new information on distribution of liverworts, mosses, lichens and allied fungi of the study area and to find new localities of rare species. The data on 25 new for Hutsulschyna National Nature Park species are provided: lichen Arctoparmelia incurva, lichenicolous fungi Marchandiomyces corallinus, Phaeopyxis punctum, … EndNote Read more... 

Бязров Л.Г. [Biazrov L.G.] (2013): Формулы ареалов лихенизированных грибов семейства Umbilicariaceae из Монголии на основе общемировой карты экорегионов суши. Range formulas of lichenized fungi of the family Umbilicariaceae from Mongolia on the base of the world terrestrial ecoregions map - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 47: 179–199

Detailed laconic description of lichens ranges is represented as a formula. The formula is based on the biogeographical subdivision of the world. The formula includes symbols of the biogeographical realms and biomes on the map of the terrestrial ecoregions of the world, where the presence of a species was recorded. The formulas of ranges are given for 34 Umbilicariaceae species recorded in Mongolia. Keywords: lichens, Lasallia, Umbilicaria, ecoregions map, range formula, biogeography, Mongolia. EndNote Read more... 

Войцехович А.А., Михайлюк Т.И. & Дариенко Т.М. [Voytsekhovich A.A., Mikhailyuk T.I. & Darienko T.M.] (2011): Фотобионты лишайников. 1: разнообразие, экологические особенности, взаимоотношения и пути совместной эволюции с микобионтом [Lichen photobionts. 1: biodiversity, ecophysiology and co-evolution with the mycobiont] - Альгология [Algologia], 21(1): 3–26

According to published data, 147 algal species can be lichenized with asco- and basidiomycetes. Most of these algal species belonged to the Chlorophyta (108 species) and Cyanoprokaryota (36). Two different lichenization types can be distinguished (facultative and obligate). Most photobionts are facultative and can therefore also occur free-living in terrestrial habitats. In contrast, some species of the genera Trebouxia Puym., Asterochloris Tscherm.- Woess, Coccomyxa Schmidle, and Pseudococcomyxa … EndNote Read more... 

Page 3636 of 3648 Results 36351 - 36360 of 36473