Page 3633 of 3703 Results 36321 - 36330 of 37027
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Фролов И.В. & Прокопьев И.А. [Frolov I.V. & Prokopiev I.A.] (2024): Ключ для определения накипных лишайников семейства Teloschistaceae в напочвенных сообществах на территории России [A key for the identification of crustose Teloschistaceae in soil communities in Russia] - Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 58(2): L37–L47

[in Russian with English abstract: ] Here we provide a key for the identification of 39 crustose Teloschistaceae species in soil communities in Russia growing on soil, bryophytes, plant debris, twigs of small shrubs, and on thalli of other lichens. Keywords: Caloplaca s. l., Fulgensia. URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Харпухаева Т.М. [Kharpukhaeva T.M.] (2017): Ключ к видам лишайников рода Usnea Dill. ex Adans. (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota), обитающих на территории Бурятии [Key to genus Usnea Dill. ex Adans. (Parmeliaceae, Ascomycota) in Buryatia] - Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия: Биология. Экология [Bulletin of Irkutsk State University], 22: 68–78

[in Russian with English summary: ] Local distribution of Usnea species are related with contrast Buryatia republic climatic conditions. 10 species have been revealed, geographical tendency in species distribution is presented as occurring in the Buryatia. Revision according by own and herbaria materials of IGEB SB RAS, Ulan-Ude (UUH) and the Komarov Botanical Institute, Saint-Petersberg (LE). Morphology and anatomy studied by standard methods with a light microscope, a dissecting and scanning electronic … EndNote Read more... 

Котлов Ю.В. [Kotlov Yu.V.] (2002): Ключи для определения видов лишайников семейства Catillariaceae на территории России. Claves analyticae specierum lichenum e familia Catillariaceae in territorio Rossiae - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 35[2001]: 161-166

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Котлов Ю.В. [Kotlov Yu.V.] (2006): Ключи для определения лишайников рода Rinodina (Physciaceae) России. Keys to the lichens of genus Rinodina (Physciaceae) of Russia - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 40: 234-253

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Урбанавичюс Г.П. [Urbanavichus G.P.] (2018): Ключи для определения родов макролишайников Северного Кавказа. I. Листоватые, кустистые, чешуйчатые [Identification key to the macrolichens genera of the North Caucasus. I. Foliose, fruticose, squamose] - Ботанический вестник Северного Кавказа [Botanical Herald of the North Caucasus], 2018/1: 37–54

[in Russian with English abstract: ] The lichen flora study was carried out in the framework of the project “North Caucasian Lichen Flora: taxonomic structure, diversity, specificity, systematic of individual taxa and contribution to the diversity of the lichen flora of Russia” supported by of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The North Caucasus, a part of the Caucasian biodiversity hotspot region, is characterized by the richest lichen flora. At present, about 2030 species (including … EndNote Read more... 

Седельникова Н.В. [Sedelnikova N.] (2001): Конкретные местонахождения в Республике Алтай Nephroma expallidum (Nyl.) Nyl. [Locations of Nephroma expallidum (Nyl.) Nyl. in Altai Republic] - Turczaninowia, 4(3): 38

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Фадеева М.А., Голубкова Н.С., Витикайнен О. & Ахти Т. [Fadeeva M.A., Golubkova N.S., Vitikainen O. & Ahti T.] (2007): Конспект лишайников и лихeнофильных грибов Республики Карелия [Conspectus of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Republic of Karelia] - Петрозаводск: Карельский научный центр РАН [Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Science], 194 p

The monograph summarizes data on 1256 species and infraspecific taxa of lichens and taxonomically adjacent fungi, reported for the Republic of Karelia, including 1097 taxa of true lichens (lichenized fungi), 137 taxa of lichenicolous fungi, 22 species of non-lichenized fungi taxonomically close to lichens. 16 species are reported for Karelia for the first time. A number of species and infraspecific taxa in each biogeographic province (floristic district) of Karelia is given. The publication is meant … URL EndNote Read more... 

Мучник Е.Э. [Muchnik E.E.] (2002): Конспект лишайников степных и остепненных местообитаний Центрального Черноземья. CONSPECTUS LICHENUM IN HABITATIONIBUS STEPPOSIS ЕТ SUBSTEPPOSIS IN PARTE ROSSIAE CENTRALIS SOLIS HUMOSIS - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 35[2001]: 183-195

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Домбровская А.В. (Dombrovskaja A.V.) (1970): Конспект флоры лишайников мурманской области и северо-восточной Финляндии (Lichen flora of the Murmansk region and NE Finland) - Наука, Ленинград (Nauka, Leningrad), 118 pp

Russia, Finland, Murmansk EndNote Read more... 

Бязров Л.Г. & Пельгунова Л.А. [Biazrov L.G. & Pelgunova L.A.] (2015): Концентрации свинца (Pb) в слоевищах лишайника Xanthoria parietina с различных участков присоединенной в 2012 г. к Москве территории [Concentrations of lead (Pb) in thalli of lichen Xanthoria parietina from different plots of area integrated to Moscow city territory in 2012] - Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы. Oтдел биологический [Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series], 120(2): 49–57

[in Russian with English summary: ] Data about concentrations of lead in thalli of epiphytic lichen Xanthoria parietina, sampled in 2012 in joined part of the Moscow region to Moscow city in the same year are presented. This territory was divided into 17sections, on each of which outside of settlements and far from motor roads have sampled on 10 lichen specimens from trunks of deciduous trees. The range of mean concentration Pb vary between sections from 0,28 up to 8,30, at mean value of 2,42 mg/kg … EndNote Read more... 

Page 3633 of 3703 Results 36321 - 36330 of 37027