Бязров Л.Г. & Пельгунова Л.А. [Biazrov L.G. & Pelgunova L.A.]
Концентрации свинца (Pb) в слоевищах лишайника Xanthoria parietina с различных участков присоединенной в 2012 г. к Москве территории [Concentrations of lead (Pb) in thalli of lichen Xanthoria parietina from different plots of area integrated to Moscow city territory in 2012] -
Бюллетень Московского общества испытателей природы. Oтдел биологический [Bulletin of Moscow Society of Naturalists. Biological series],
120(2): 49–57
[in Russian with English summary: ] Data about concentrations of lead in thalli of epiphytic lichen Xanthoria parietina, sampled in 2012 in joined part of the Moscow region to Moscow city in the same year are presented. This territory was divided into 17sections, on each of which outside of settlements and far from motor roads have sampled on 10 lichen specimens from trunks of deciduous trees. The range of mean concentration Pb vary between sections from 0,28 up to 8,30, at mean value of 2,42 mg/kg …