Page 3522 of 3644 Results 35211 - 35220 of 36439
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Servít M. (1910): Zur Flechtenflora Böhmens und Mährens - Hedwigia, 50(2): 51-85

Sometimes cited as Servít (1911), but correct issue year is 1910 : (Heft 2) ausgegeben am 8. September 1910 EndNote Read more... 

Türk R. & Uhl A. (2002): Zur Flechtenflora der Großfragant, Kärnten (Hohe Tauern, Österreich) - Carinthia II, 192/112: 455-466

Key words: Lichens, Großfragant, Carinthia, Austria, distribution in Austria. Abstract: Rare lichens in Austria and lichens new to the Großfragant are presented. New to the lichen flora of Carinthia are: Aspicilia recedens, Baeomyces carneus, Lecanora concolor and Lecidea tesselata var. caesia. The distribution of Baeomyces carneus, Bryodina rhypariza, Bryonora castanea, Cladonia cariosa, Lecanora cavicola, Polyblastia tatrana, Rhizocarpon intermediellum, Rhizocarpon superficiale und … EndNote Read more... 

Buschardt A. (1979): Zur Flechtenflora der inneralpinen Trockentäler unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Vinschgaus - Bibl. Lichenol., 10: 1-419

1 . This dissertation attempts to present a first compilation of the lichen flora of the inner dry valleys of the Alps. As a basis for the research the author has spent during the years 1971 - 1977 at least 250 days in outdoor investigations in various inner dry valleys of the Alps collecting about 6,000 specimens from dry, hot habitats in the area 2. In the introduction to the thesis some indications are given of the special ecological conditions in the inner dry areas of the Alps by means of the … EndNote Read more... 

Hertel H. (1981): Zur Flechtenflora der inneralpinen Trokentaler unterbesonderer Berucksichtigung des Vinschgaues - Bryologist, 84: 270-271

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Topham P. B. (1979): Zur Flechtenflora der interalpinen Trockentaler - Lichenologist, 11: 326

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Hillmann J. (1925): Zur Flechtenflora der Mark Brandenburg I - Verhandl. Bot. Ver. Provinz Brandenburg, 67: 1-10

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Hillmann J. (1926): Zur Flechtenflora der Mark Brandenburg II - Verhandlungen des botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg, 68: 189-201

Germany; Poland EndNote Read more... 

Hillmann J. (1928): Zur Flechtenflora der Mark Brandenburg III - Verhandl. Bot. Ver. Provinz Brandenburg, 70: 1-11

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Hillmann J. (1932): Zur Flechtenflora der Mark Brandenburg IV - Verhandl. Bot. Ver. Provinz Brandenburg, 74: 112-130

F05 EndNote Read more... 

Hillmann J. (1936): Zur Flechtenflora der Mark Brandenburg V - Verhandl. Bot. Ver. Provinz Brandenburg, 76: 6-21

F05 EndNote Read more... 

Page 3522 of 3644 Results 35211 - 35220 of 36439