Page 3645 of 3770 Results 36441 - 36450 of 37696
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Schultz M. & Paul P.-F. (2021): Die Flechten des Eichenparks: Auch kleine städtische Parks können ökologisch wertvoll sein, Berichte des Botanischen Vereins zu Hamburg, 32: 3–14

[in German] The lichens of the oak park: even small urban parks can be ecologically valuable. Im Eichenpark in Hamburg-Harvestehude werden 55 borkenbewohnende Flechtenarten sowie 16 Arten auf Gestein nachgewiesen. Das nur 2 ha große Areal am westlichen Ufer der Alster unmittelbar an der Einmündung in die Außenalster weist eine für die Hamburger Innenstadt bemerkenswert hohe Vielfalt auf und belegt damit den Wert selbst kleinerer städtischer Parkanlagen als Refugien überwiegend licht- und … URL EN Read more... 

Bergner W. (2019): Neu- und Wiederfunde von Flechten, flechtenbewohnenden und flechtenähnlichen Pilzen im Raum Augsburg, Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schwaben, Augsburg, 123: 50–60

[in German with English summary: ] A list of 53 lichens, lichenicolous and allied fungi, new and rediscovered for the area of Augsburg, is presented. URL EN Read more... 

Hirschheydt G. von, Kéry M., Ekman S., Stofer S., Dietrich M., Keller C. & Scheidegger C. (2024): Occupancy model reveals limited detectability of lichens in a standardised large-scale monitoring, Journal of Vegetation Science, 35: e13255 [11 p.]

Question: What are the extent and the possible causes of imperfect detection in lichens? Because lichens are sessile and lack seasonality, they should be easier to survey than animals that can move or plants and fungi with seasonal morphology, and one could therefore expect relatively high detection probabilities. Location: 826 standardised sampling plots across Switzerland. Methods: Using repeated detection/non-detection data from a national lichen survey conducted by professional lichenologists, … URL EN Read more... 

Marshall A.J., Aptroot A., Vlůanchon D.J., James C.J. & de Lange P.J. (2024): New Zealand Lithothelium (Pyrenulaceae) — description of a new species Lithothelium kiritea sp. nov., with notes on L. australe, Український ботанічний журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal], 81(2): 145–154

Lithothelium kiritea A.J. Marshall, Aptroot, de Lange & Blanchon sp. nov. (Pyrenulaceae) is described from Aotearoa / New Zealand. The new species has a mainly coastal and mostly westerly distribution in Aotearoa / New Zealand and is thus far known only from the bark of living Cordyline australis (Asparagaceae). The new species is separated from Lithothelium australe (treated here as endemic to the Chatham Islands), by its corticolous, rather than saxicolous habit, white to pale buff (when … URL EN Read more... 

Ossowska E.A., Moncada B., Lücking R., Flakus A., Rodriguez-Flakus P., Olszewska S. & Kukwa M. (2024): Additional new species and new records of the genus Sticta (lichenised Ascomycota, lobarioid Peltigeraceae) from Bolivia, MycoKeys, 105: 21–47

Four species of the genus Sticta are described as new from Bolivia, based on morphological examination and phylogenetic analysis of the fungal ITS barcoding marker. Additionally, two species are reported as new to Bolivia (their identification confirmed by molecular data) and one previously reported species is confirmed by molecular data for the first time. Detailed morphological and anatomical descriptions are provided for all new species. Two of the new species, S. isidiolobulata Ossowska, … URL EN Read more... 

Isocrono D. & Ravera S. (2024): Typification of the name Arthopyrenia parolinii Beltr. (Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Arthopyreniaceae), MycoKeys, 104: 1–8

Arthopyrenia parolinii Beltr. is one of the few species of the lichen genus Arthopyrenia A. Massal. described by Italian authors of the XIX century, lacking type formal association. In this regard, the name Arthopyrenia parolinii is hereby lectotypified using a specimen stored in the lichen herbarium of A.B. Massalongo at VER. Additional original material was found only at M, while another specimen at MSNVE, labelled as Spermatodium parolinii, although referable to this species, should not be considered … URL EN Read more... 

Tarish M., Ali R.T., Shan M., Amjad Z., Rui Q., Akher S.A. & Al Mutery A. (2024): Plant tissues as biomonitoring tools for environmental contaminants, International Journal of Plant Biology, 15(2): 375–396

Environmental toxins pose significant threats to ecosystems and human health. Monitoring and assessing these toxins are crucial for effective environmental management and public health protection. Recently, plant species have garnered increasing attention as potential bioindicators for identifying and evaluating ecological toxins. Since plants often come into touch with harmful compounds in soil, water, and the atmosphere, they are particularly valuable for analyzing how human activities influence … URL EN Read more... 

Maurya A.K., Mishra G.K., Joseph S. & Upreti D.K. (2024): New records of lichenicolous fungi inhabiting Cladonia from India, Biology Bulletin, 51: 546–549

Two species of lichenicolous fungi viz. Didymocyrtis cladoniicola (Diederich, Kocourk. and Etayo) Ertz and Diederich, and Epicladonia simplex D. Hawksw., inhabiting Cladonia species are discovered as new records for India, besides four species known earlier from India. Cladonia, a dimorphic genus is one of the most suitable hosts for the fungal spores to colonize easily for the growth of lichenicolous fungi. The brief taxonomic descriptions of species, distribution and illustrations are provided … URL EN Read more... 

Maurya A.K., Mishra G.K. & Upreti D.K. (2024): New lichenicolous Phyllopsora (Ramalinaceae) species on Phaeophyscia from India, Biology Bulletin, 51(3): 537–539

Phyllopsora phaeophysciae sp. nov., having a lichenicolous habitat is growing on thallus of lichen Phaeophyscia and distinguished by white prothallus, globose to cylindrical isidia and thallus containing atranorin. Based on the previously published literature, Phylloposra species mostly reported to grow on bark, rock, soil and sometimes in association of mosses, however the new taxa is exhibit a unique lichenicolous habitat, luxuriantly growing on Phaeophyscia hispidula species in temperate region … URL EN Read more... 

Varli M., Bhosle S.R., Kim E., Yang Y., Tas I., Zhou R., Pulat S., Gamage C.D.B., Park S.Y., Ha H.H. & Kim H. (2024): Usnic Acid Targets 14-3-3 Proteins and Suppresses Cancer Progression by Blocking Substrate Interaction, JACS AU, 4(4): 1521-1537

The anticancer therapeutic effects of usnic acid (UA), a lichen secondary metabolite, have been demonstrated in vitro and in vivo. However, the mechanism underlying the anticancer effect of UA remains to be clarified. In this study, the target protein of UA was identified using a UA-linker-Affi-Gel molecule, which showed that UA binds to the 14-3-3 protein. UA binds to 14-3-3, causing the degradation of proteasomal and autophagosomal proteins. The interaction of UA with 14-3-3 isoforms modulated … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3645 of 3770 Results 36441 - 36450 of 37696