Page 3567 of 3674 Results 35661 - 35670 of 36739
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Müller (Argoviensis) J. (1895): Lecanoreae et Lecideae australienses novae quas describsit - Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier, 3(12): 632–642

Australia, Lecanora atra Ach. v. serialis Müll. Arg., Lecanora subfusca Ach. v. conjungens, Lecanora albellaria Müll. Arg., Lecanora melacarpella Müll. Arg., Lecanora Knightiana Müll. Arg., Lecanora flavido-fusca Müll. Arg., Lecania (s. Semilecania) chlaronoides Müll. Arg., Lecania (s. Semilecania) selenospora Müll. Arg., Lecania (s. Eulecania) subsquamosa Müll. Arg., Callopisma cerinum Mass. v. microcarpum Müll. Arg., Rinodina diffractella Müll. Arg., Pertusaria (s. Lecanorastrum) rhodotropa … EndNote PDF Read more... 

Müller (Argoviensis) J. (1895): Sertum australiense s. species novae australienses Thelotremearum, Graphidearum et Pyrenocarpearum quas proponit - Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier, 3(7): 313–327

1. Ocellularia jugalis Müll. Arg., 2. Ocellularia platychlamys Müll. Arg., 3. Ocellularia annulosa Müll. Arg., 4. Thelotrema cyphelloides Müll. Arg., 5. Thelotrema microphthalmum Müll. Arg., 6. Thelotrema hypomelanum Müll. Arg., 7. Thelotrema profundum Müll. Arg., 8. Leptotrema patulum, 9. Leptotrema polycarpum Müll. Arg., 10. Leptotrema nitidulum Müll. Arg., 11. Leptotrema semulum Müll. Arg., 12. Platygrapha Shirleyana Müll.Arg., 13. Platygrapha leptospora Müll. Arg., 14. Melaspilea … EndNote PDF Read more... 

Tonouchi J. (2009): Isolation and characterization of a novel facultative anaerobic filamentous fungus from Japanese rice field soil - International Journal of Microbiology, 2009: 571383 [9 p.]

A novel filamentous fungus strain designated RB-1 was isolated into pure culture from Japanese rice field soil through an anaerobic role tube technique. The strain is a mitosporic fungus that grows in both aerobic and strict anaerobic conditions using various mono-, di-, tri-, and polysaccharides with acetate and ethanol productions. The amount of acetate produced was higher than that of ethanol in both aerobic and anaerobic cultures. The characteristic verrucose or punctuate conidia of RB-1 closely … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Gnüchtel A. (1996): Materialien zu Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege 1996. Rote Liste [der] Flechten. Freistaat Sachsen - Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, Radebeul, 14 p

Red list, Germany, Saxony EndNote PDF Read more... 

Gnüchtel A. (1997): Materialien zu Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege 1997. Artenliste der Flechten Sachsens - Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, Radebeul, 56 p

Checklist, Germany, Saxony EndNote PDF Read more... 

Gnüchtel A. (2009): Rote Liste Flechten Sachsens - Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie, Radebeul, 56 p

Redlist; Germany, Saxony EndNote PDF Read more... 

Meinunger L. (2011): Rote Liste der Flechten (Lichenes) Thüringens - Naturschutzreport Heft, 26: 418‒438

Redlist; Germany, Thuringia EndNote PDF Read more... 

Eckstein J. & Grünberg H. [mitarb. Putzmann F. & Rettig J.] (2021): Rote Liste der Flechten Thüringens. 4. Fassung, Stand: 11/2020 - Naturschutzreport Heft, 30: 402‒424

Redlist; Germany, Thuringia EndNote PDF Read more... 

Müller (Argoviensis) J. (1895): Lichenes Sikkimenses a reverendiss. Stevens in montibus Sikkim, Indiae orientalis lecti, quos enumerat. Sertulum Primum - Bulletin de l’Herbier Boissier, 3(4): 194–195

1. Stereocaulon strictum, 2. Baeomyces fungoides Ach., 3. Usnea barbata v. florida Fr., 4. Ramalina calicaris Fr., 5. Anaptychia podocarpa Trev., 6. Anaptychia leucomelaena v. multifida Wain., 7. Stictina retigera (Ach.) Müll. Arg., 8. Parmelia Kamtschadalis Eschw., 9. Parmelia Wallichiana Tayl., 10. Pseudophyscia speciosa v. cinerascens Müll. Arg., 11. Patellaria (s. Psorothecium) Sikkimensis Müll. Arg., 12. Graphis duplicata Ach. EndNote PDF Read more... 

Cometto A., Leavitt S.D., Grube M., De Hoog S. & Muggia L. (2023): Tackling fungal diversity in lichen symbioses: molecular and morphological data recognize new lineages in Chaetothyriales (Eurotiomycetes, Ascomycota) - Mycological Progress, 22: 53 [26 p.]

Lichens have been reappraised as self-sustaining and long-living ecosystems in which a multiplicity of microorganisms are housed, in addition to the main symbiotic partners. Lichen-associated microfungi can frequently occur cryptically, and their species diversity has recently been more fully elucidated by DNA metabarcoding studies and culture isolations. These lichen-associated fungi represent a wide array of major lineages in ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, including both filamentous and yeast … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Page 3567 of 3674 Results 35661 - 35670 of 36739