Page 3532 of 3645 Results 35311 - 35320 of 36450
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Himelbrant D.E., Stepanchikova I.S., Kuznetsova E.S. & Pankova V.V. (2023): Are lichens coming back? Strelninsky Bereg Protected Area (St. Petersburg, Russia) - Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 57(1): 55–74

The total revealed lichen diversity of Strelninsky Bereg Protected Area includes 130 species, 123 of them are lichenized, four are lichenicolous, and three are non-lichenized saprobic fungi. The lichen biota of Strelninsky Bereg is quite rich, despite extremely small size of the area. The lichen Lecania olivacella is new to Russia. Bacidina pycnidiata, Fellhanera bouteillei, and Lecidella subviridis are new to North-Western European Russia. Nine lichen species reported from Strelninsky Bereg are … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Kotkova V.M., Czernyadjeva I.V., Davydov E.A., Doroshina G.Ya., Efimov D.Yu., Efimova L.A., Frolov I.V., Gabiger Ya.I., Glushсhenko M.Yu., Gorbunova I.A., Himelbrant D.E., Ignatenko M.E., Kalinina L.B., Kurbatova L.E., Kushnevskaya H.V., Lashchinsky N.N., Lotiev K.Yu., Moroz E.L., Notov A.A., Novozhilov Yu.K., Otmakhov Yu.S., Plikina N.V., Popova N.N., Potemkin A.D., Putilina V.A., Ryzhkova P.Yu., Sambyla Ch.N., Smirnova E.V., Stepanchikova I.S., Storozhenko Yu.V., Troeva E.I., Tsurykau A.G., Vishnyakov V.S., Vlasenko A.V., Vlasenko V.A., Volkova E.A., Volosnova L.F., Yakovchenko L.S., Yatsenko-Stepanova T.N., Zhuykov K.A. & Zueva A.S. (2023): New cryptogamic records. 11 - Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 57(1): 155–204

First records of algae for the Orenburg Region and Urals of Russia, for the Republic of Belarus and Georgia, fungi for St. Petersburg, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions, republics of Altai and Tuva, Altai, Krasnoyarsk and Trans-Baikal territories, myxomycetes for the Omsk and Tomsk regions, republics of Tuva and Sakha (Yakutia) of Russia and Republic of Belarus, lichens, licheni­colous and allied fungi for the Omsk, Ryazan, Sakhalin and Tver regions, Altai, Khabarovsk and Primorye territories, mosses … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Qiu L.-L. & Lü L. (2022): Lecanora moniliformis sp. nov. from China - Mycotaxon, 137(3): 465–469

A new multispored Lecanora species from China is proposed as L. moniliformis, which is similar to L. japonica but differs by its crenate apothecial margin and the presence of psoromic acid. A detailed taxonomic description, ecological and chemical characters, and illustrations are provided for the new taxon, and a key to the multispored species of Lecanora is presented. Keywords: 16-spored; east Asia; Lecanoraceae; lichenized fungi; taxonomy. URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Zhao Y.-F. & Jia Z.-F. (2022): Astrothelium subsiamense sp. nov. from Fujian, China - Mycotaxon, 137(3): 477–484

A new species, Astrothelium subsiamense from China, is described based on morphological, chemical, and molecular analyses. The new lichen is most similar to A. siamense but differs in its 3-septate and smaller ascospores. Its relationship with other Astrothelium spp. is presented, based on molecular phylogeny, and a key to the Astrothelium species recorded in China is also provided. Key words—lichenized fungi, taxonomy, South China, Trypetheliaceae, Trypetheliales. URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Pennycook S.R. (2022): Gender of fungal generic names ending in –trema - Mycotaxon, 137(3): 545–554

Fungal generic names ending in –trema are reviewed. Most are derived from the latinised Greek neuter noun meaning "perforation; aperture; opening; orifice." However, some are Latin feminine, with –trema referring to a relationship or similarity to Tremella. Key words—etymology, epithet gender, lichens, nomenclature, Tremellales. URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Darmostuk V.V., Khodosovtsev A.Ye. & Kostikov I.Yu. (2022): First lichenicolous records of Chaetopyrena penicillata - Mycotaxon, 137(3): 591–602

Chaetopyrena penicillata is reported for the first time as a lichenicolous fungus. A culture and a sequence were obtained from material growing on Xanthoria parietina. Features of the culture on PDA and MEA, the ecology and geography, and the phylogenetic position within Didymellaceae based on an ITS sequence are given. A key to the lichenicolous coelomycetes with setose pycnidia is also provided. Key words—coelomycete, Pleosporales, setose fungi, Southern Ukraine. URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Sharma S., Joseph S. & Nayaka S. (2022): New records and hosts of lichenicolous fungi from India - Mycotaxon, 137(3): 603–614

Eight lichenicolous fungi are reported as new records from India: Cladophialophora aff. megalosporae, Nesolechia falcispora, Phacopsis oxyspora var. defecta, Punctelia oxyspora, Sclerococcum phaeophysciae, Scutula epiblastematica, Spirographa lichenicola, and Zwackhiomyces kantvilasii. Also reported are new hosts for Cladophialophora aff. megalosporae, Nesolechia falcispora, Sclerococcum phaeophysciae, Scutula epiblastematica, and Zwackhiomyces kantvilasii. Key words—biodiversity, Lecanorales, … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Lishtva A.V. (2023): Nephromopsis ornata (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) — a new species to Siberia - Новости систематики низших растений [Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii] / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 57(1): 75–82

The discovery of a new for Siberia suboceanic nemoral lichen Nephromopsis ornata is reported. All collected specimens fully correspond to the morphological description of the species and differ from other representatives of the genus in the light-yellow color of the medulla. The new locality is more than 1500 km away from the previously known ones. The habitat conditions and associated species are described. Within the surveyed area, there are also other East Asian lichens with disjunctive ranges … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Урбанавичюс Г.П. & Урбанавичене И.Н. [Urbanavichus G.P. & Urbanavichene I.N.] (2023): Cryptodiscus muriformis (Stictidaceae) и Gyalecta incarnata (Gyalectaceae) – новые виды для лихенофлоры России [Cryptodiscus muriformis (Stictidaceae) and Gyalecta incarnata (Gyalectaceae) – new species for the lichen flora of Russia] - Turczaninowia, 26(1): 112–115

[in Russian with English abstract: ] Cryptodiscus muriformis and Gyalecta incarnata are reported for the first time for Russia from the Nizhny Novgorod Region and the Murmansk Region, respectively. The locality of G. incarnata in the Khibiny is the first one beyond the Arctic Circle and the northernmost and easternmost in the world. The locality of C. muriformis in the Kerzhensky Nature Reserve is 1600 km away from the nearest known one in Sweden. A full description of C. muriformis in Russian … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Chesnokov S.V., Pan’kova V.V. & Konoreva L.A. (2023): Fissurina inabensis (Graphidaceae, Ascomycota), a new record to Russia from Shikotan Island - Turczaninowia, 26(1): 116–123

During the study of the lichen biota of Shikotan Island, Fissurinainabensis (Vain.) M. Nakan. et Kashiw. was identified on the basis of morphological and anatomical data. It is the first record to Russia both at a species and at genus level. The phylogenetic analysis based on the ITS sequences of the studied specimens supported the close re-lationship with F. insidiosa C. Knight et Mitt. belonging to the subfamily Fissurinoideae. A detailed description of the morphology, anatomy and secondary metabolites … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Page 3532 of 3645 Results 35311 - 35320 of 36450