Page 3516 of 3645 Results 35151 - 35160 of 36442
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Rapai S.B., McColl D., Collis B., Henry T. & Coxson D. (2023): Terrestrial lichen caribou forage transplant success: year 5 and 6 results - Restoration Ecology, 31(4): e13867 [10 p.]

The southern mountain caribou-a subpopulation of caribou found in British Columbia-is listed on Schedule 1 of the Federal Species at Risk Act as Threatened. Woodland caribou are diet specialists, relying on Cladonia subgenus Cladina lichen as a primary food source during winter months. Lichens are burned along with trees and other vegetation during stand-replacing wildfire events, a natural disturbance in caribou ranges. In an attempt to accelerate the return of post-fire forests to productive caribou … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Saib H., Yekkour A., Toumi M., Guedioura B., Benamar M., Zeghdaoui A., Austruy A., Berge-Lefranc D., Culcasi M. & Pietri S. (2023): Lichen biomonitoring of airborne trace elements in the industrial-urbanized area of eastern algiers (Algeria) - Atmospheric Pollution Research, 14: 101643

This study established a comprehensive picture of airborne metal pollution in the industrial urbanized area of the East of Algiers (Algeria). Thalli of the epiphytic lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea were transplanted from a remote unpolluted forest (Theniet El-Had) to eighteen biomonitoring sites in the Rouiba-Reghaia region exhibiting contrasting anthropogenic activities, including the wooded Reghaia Nature Reserve. Thirty-three metals and rare earths, and Br in lichen thalli were determined after … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Zulfiqar R., Ashraf A., Hayat S., Fatima S., Naseer A. & Khalid A. (2022): New Records of Saxicolous Lichens from Pakistan - Biology Bulletin, 49 (Suppl. 2): S79–S85

Two saxicolous species viz., Bagliettoa calciseda and Diploschistes actinostomus are reported as new to country. Among which, Bagliettoa calciseda also makes a new generic record for Pakistan. Complete morpho-anatomical descriptions along with ecology, distribution and ITS-based phylogenetic analyses are also discussed. Tirah Valley, Kallar Kahar, Margalla Hills, phylogeny, taxonomy, ascomycota, diploschistes, graphidaceae, Life Sciences & Biomedicine - Other Topics URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Parisi F., Vangi E., Francini S., D’Amico G., Chirici G., Marchetti M., Lombardi F., Travaglini D., Ravera S., De Santis E. & Tognetti R. (2023): Sentinel-2 time series analysis for monitoring multi-taxon biodiversity in mountain beech forests - Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6: 1020477 [16 p.]

Biodiversity monitoring represents a major challenge to supporting proper forest ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation. The latter is indeed shifting in recent years from single-species to multi-taxon approaches. However, multi-taxonomic studies are quite rare due to the effort required for performing field surveys. In this context, remote sensing is a powerful tool, continuously providing consistent and open access data at a different range of spatial and temporal scales. In particular, … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Purvis W., James P., Pišút I., Lackovičová A. & Poelt J. (1993): BLS field meeting: Slovakia 28 June – 6 July 1993 - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 73: 1-10

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Dalby K. (1993): Britain's northernmost natural woodland - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 73: 34-35

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Chester T. (1993): Churchyards project: star ratings for lowland saxicolous taxa - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 73: 36-41

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Chester T. (1993): Lecanora pannonica Szatala 1954 - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 73: 41-43

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Earland-Bennett P.M. (ed.) (1993): New, rare and interesting british lichen records - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 73: 55-65

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Coppins B.J. (1993): Literature pertaining to British lichens – 14 - British Lichen Society Bulletin, 73: 66-68

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Page 3516 of 3645 Results 35151 - 35160 of 36442