Die Flechten des Satrupholmer Moores
- Author:
- Dolnik C., Neumann P. & Wagner-Ahlfs C.
- Year:
- 2019
- Journal:
- Kieler Notizen zur Pflanzenkunde
- Pages:
- 44: 93–105
- Url:
[in German with English abstrcat: ]
The lichens of Satrupholm raised bog.
The raised bog Satrupholmer Moor and fens of the former area of the lake Rüde belong to the
landscape Anglia in northeastern Schleswig-Holstein. In the years 1934/35 the lichenologist
C.F.E. Erichsen discovered 72 lichens and related fungi, which are restricted to 65 species
today. During field excursions in 2018/19 about 108 species were found. This reflects a tremendous change in landscape and biotops of the area. Several terricolous lichens of open
moor heathland vanished and with succession to bushland and planting of trees many epiphytic lichens occured. Remarkble lichens for Schleswig-Holstein are Sclerophora amabilis and
Opegrapha viridipruinosa on Sambucus nigra.
- Id:
- 36244
- Submitter:
- zpalice
- Post_time:
- Monday, 29 January 2024 10:10