Lecidea roseotincta New to Asia

Thor T., Tønsberg T., Kashiwadani H. & Moon K.H.
The Journal of Japanese Botany
80(5): 303–305
During a field trip, to Hokkaido, Japan in 1995 by GT and TT and to Cheju Island, Korea by GT, HK and KHM in 2001, numerous lichens were collected. Based on these collections Lecidea roseotincta is re- ported as new to Asia. The GT collections are housed in TNS (some duplicates in UPS) and the TT collections in BG. Of the Japanese islands, Hokkaido in the north is second to Honshu in size. It stretches 400 km from north to south, and 440 km from east to west. Cheju Island is a volcanic island, situated about 100 km south of the Korean Peninsula. It is Korea's largest is- land. Mt. Halla (1950 m), the highest peak in Korea and a national park, rises at the centre of the island. The summit of Mt. Halla is free from clouds only about one day in 10, and the island has the Republic of Korea's high- est average precipitation, 1400 mm. On Hokkaido L. reseotincta was found in deciduous and mixed open forests. The for- ests where it was found were oldgrowth, ex- cept one, where when it occurred in a mixed Abies sachalinensis and Larix plantation 14241). On Cheju Island it was found in an oldgrowth deciduous forest dominated Acer, Carpinus and Quercus. The humidity was always high and stable, and it was found in marshes, bogs or other wet forests, almost always near a small stream. The species was growing on smooth bark. On Hokkaido it was growing mainly on Alnus but also on Salix, Sorbus americana ssp. japonica and once each on Abies sachalinensis and Betula ermanii. On Cheju Island it was found on Berberis and Cornus. The lichen flora occur- ring on Mt. Halla is more or less the same as those found in the mountain regions of Japan. Foliose species found on trees in- clude, e. g., Anaptychia palmulata, Anzia opuntiella, Collema japonicum, Fuscopan- naria ahlneri, F. incisa, Heterodermia hypoleuca, Leptogium cyanescens, Lobaria discolor, Nephroma helveticum, Parmelia laevior, Peltigera polydactylon and Phaeo- physcia pyrrophora (Kashiwadani et al. 2002). Crustose lichens accompanying Lecidea roseotincta include, e. g., Buellia sp., Graphis sp., Lecanora spp. and Ochrolechia sp. Lecidea roseotincta was found in several localities on Hokkaido and in one on Cheju Island. It was never abun- dant, and it was searched for in several other localities in Japan and Korea without suc- cess. This indicates that it is rare. Lecidea roseotincta was rather recently described from Norway (Coppins and T0nsberg 1988)
Friday, 17 February 2023 09:46