Gyrographa fecunda (Roccellaceae), a new saxicolous lichen from New South Wales, Australia
- Author:
- McCarthy P.
- Year:
- 2022
- Journal:
- Australasian Lichenology
- Pages:
- 91: 56-59
- Url:
Gyrographa fecunda sp. nov. (Roccellaceae) is described from rhyolite in eastern New South Wales. It has a pale to medium greyish brown, minutely areolate thallus containing gyrophoric acid, very small adnate to subsessile ascomata with a lirelliform to contorted-gyrose disc, a blackish lateral excipulum, a dark hypothecium and 3-septate ascospores.
- Id:
- 34970
- Submitter:
- jph
- Post_time:
- Friday, 20 January 2023 12:12