The crustose species of Normandina (Verrucariaceae)
- Author:
- Orange A.
- Year:
- 2022
- Journal:
- Lichenologist
- Pages:
- 54(6): 371–378
- Url:
Normandina acroglypta, as recently circumbscribed, is shown to comprise two species: N. acroglypta s. str. with subsquamulose marginal areoles, two unidentified terpenoids by thin-layer chromatography, and growing over rock; and N. chlorococca, with convex marginal areoles, zeorin or no substances detected by thin-layer chromatography, and growing over bark. Normandina dictyospora is newly described from the Falkland Islands and is characterized by relatively large, submuriform ascospores, and no substances detected. Falkland Islands, terpenoids
- Id:
- 34912
- Submitter:
- jph
- Post_time:
- Monday, 02 January 2023 11:29