Sierra Nevada (Spain), the southernmost European locality for the polar-alpine Umbilicaria aprina and U. virginis
- Author:
- Sancho L.G., Aramburu A., Pintado A., Casares M., Raggio J. & Sánchez-Pescador D.
- Year:
- 2022
- Journal:
- Mediterranean Botany
- Pages:
- 43: e77925 [4 p.]
- Url:
Two strict polar-alpine Umbilicaria species (U. aprina and U. virginis) are reported growing together in
Los Peñones de San Francisco. Other localities known on the highest summits of the Alps and Pyrenees are
considered. We discussed the meaning of these isolated populations as glacial relicts.
Keywords: Lichens, Polar-alpine, Biogeography, Umbilicaria, Sierra Nevada.
- Id:
- 34882
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Wednesday, 14 December 2022 16:59