Fulgensia desertorum (Teloschistales, Teloschistaceae) та інші вразливі лишайники в угрупованні Toninio-Psoretum decipientis [Fulgensia desertorum (Teloschistales, Ascomycota) and other rare species in the association Toninio-Psoretum decipientis]

Ходосовцев О.Є., Дармостук В.В., Мойсієнко I.I., Захарова М.Я. & Деркач О.М. [Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Darmostuk V.V., Moysiyenko I.I., Zakharova M.Ya. & Derkach O.M.]
Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal]
76(3): 236–242
[in Ukrainian with English abstract: ] The second record of Fulgensia desertorum in Ukraine is reported. The lichen was found on loess outcrops along the right bank of the Bug River estuary (between villages Kotylyne and Prybuzke, Ochakiv District, Mykolaiv Region). It was observed on a gentle northern slope of the ravine near a cliff. The extent of its occurrence was calculated as 0.01 ha and its area of occupancy – 25 ha. Fulgensia desertorum was found in xerophytic association Toninio-Psoretum decipientis, which is newly reported for Ukraine. These communities occupy disjunct areas on open landscapes without plant cover along the right bank of the Dnipro-Bug estuary. In total, F. desertorum, sixteen species of lichens and lichenicolous fungi were recorded. Among them, Squamarina lentigera is listed in the Red Data Book of Ukraine and Psora decipiens is a candidate for inclusion in the next edition of the Red Data Book of Ukraine. Endocarpon pusillum, Fulgensia fulgens, and Megaspora verrucosa are rare lichen species which need to be protected at the regional level. Lichenicolous fungi Lichenohendersonia squamarinae on Squamarina lentigera, Didymellopsis perigena on Megaspora verrucosa are the first reports in Mykolaiv Region. Didymocyrtis cladoniicola is found for the first time on Fulgensia desertorum. The association Toninio-Psoretum decipientis is in urgent need of inclusion into the new edition of the Green Data Book of Ukraine. This association is a component of the habitat E1.2D21 – Sarmatic loess steppes (EUNIS). This habitat includes vascular plant communities of the union Festucion valesiacae as well. Prybuzki Reserve of regional level (zakaznyk) is proposed to be established for conservation of lichen species Fulgensia desertorum, Squamarina lentigera, as well as the threatened lichen community Toninio-Psoretum decipientis and the habitat of the Sarmatic loess steppes in general. Keywords: conservation, Dnipro-Bug estuary, habitats, loess cliffs, Festucion valesiacae, Red Data Book of Ukraine, Psoretea decipientis.
Sunday, 22 September 2019 22:18