Эпифитные лишайники и нелихенизированные грибы ели на крайнем северном пределе ее распространения (Мурманская область) [Epiphytic lichens and non-lichenized fungi of spruce in the northernmost distribution limit (Murmansk region)]

Урбанавичюс Г.П. & Урбанавичене И.Н. [Urbanavichus G.P. & Urbanavichene I.N.]
Ботанический журнал [Botanicheskiy Zhurnal]
104(2): 191–205
[in Russian with English abstract: ] This study aims at increasing our knowledge about the diversity of epiphytic lichens in old-aged (>140–150 years) spruce forests at the northernmost distribution limit. At the latitude of 69°16′�, in the central part of the Pasvik Nature Reserve, at the southern and southeastern foot of the Kalkupya Mountain, spruce stands are found one of the northernmost in Europe. Based on the material collected in 2017–2018 by the first author, 55 epiphytic species and 29 genera were recorded, including 47 lichenized species, 7 non-lichenized saprobic fungi and 1 lichenicolous fungus. Crustose lichens (37 species, 67%) contributed mainly to species richness; the other taxa are fruticose (9) and foliose (9) species. 43 species were recorded on trunks (including 24 occurring only there), 31 on branches (including 12 occurring only there). 48 species were recorded on bark (17 occurring only there) and 38 species on woody substrates (7 occurring only there). The proportion of specific species was higher on the trunks and bark of spruce. Lichen species richness and composition were compared between spruce forests in Pasvik Reserve and Kivach Reserve (Southern Karelia). The results revealed clear differences in species composition. However, in total, the spruce epiphytes at the northernmost distribution limit do not have high specificity. Differences in species composition have mostly been interpreted as a result of different bioclimatic conditions (i.e. zonal patterns). The old-aged spruce forests in the northernmost distribution limit are important habitats for the high epiphytic diversity and play a key role in the conservation of many rare species. Three species, namely Chaenotheca gracilenta, Chaenothecopsis nana and C. pusiola, are new for the lichen flora of the Pasvik Reserve.
Monday, 29 July 2019 17:07