Новые данные о лишайниках и мхах тихоокеанского сектора Антарктики [New data on lichens and bryophytes of the Pacific Antarctic]
- Author:
- Андреев М.П. & Курбатова Л.Е. [Andreev M.P. & Kurbatova L.E.]
- Year:
- 2008
- Journal:
- Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium
- Pages:
- 42: 142–152
- Url:
The lichens and bryophytes in the vicinities of Russian Antarctic stations in Pacific Antarctic “Russkaya” and “Leningradskaya” closed in 1990s were studied for the first time. The material was also collected on the Ellsworth Land near the proposed Korean station. Totally over 300 specimens of 35 lichen and 8 bryophyte species were collected. The flora of the Russkaya Station is the richest, with 26 lichens and 4 bryophytes. The most noteworthy are the lichens Buellia pycnogonoides, Candelariella aurella, Cystocoleus ebeneus, Lecidella sublapicida, Pannaria caespitosa and Placynthium asperellum, unknown in the continental Antarctic. Lichen Ephebe multispora, known in Greenland, was collected for the first time in Antarctic.
Keywords: bryophytes, lichens, Antarctic, Russkaya, Leningradskaya.
- Id:
- 29224
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Friday, 15 June 2018 16:36