石质文物地衣生物腐蚀及防治的研究进展 [Research progress of lichen biodeterioration and its treatment on stone cultural relics]
- Author:
- 魏鑫丽 蒋淑华 魏江春 [Wei X.-L., Jiang S.-H. & Wei J.-C.]
- Year:
- 2015
- Journal:
- Mycosystema
- Pages:
- 34(5): 863‐870
- Url:
[in Chinese with English abstract:] Deterioration of stone cultural relics mainly caused by biotic factors is analyzed, and the present domestic and
international situation of preservation, treatment and restoration methods of the cultural relics are reviewed. Lichens are the
key organisms causing biodeterioration of stone cultural relics. As compared with the foreign countries, lichens causing
deterioration of stone cultural relics and their treatment are still imperfectly known in China. Scientific investigations of the
lichen species composition on stone cultural relics and the mechanism of lichen biodeterioration are urgently necessary.
Developing effect and safe methods to remove the erosive lichens and the methods of monitoring and prevention of lichen
deterioration are need fully formulated.
Key words: stone cultural relics, lichens, biodeterioration, treatment.
- Id:
- 27321
- Submitter:
- zdenek
- Post_time:
- Tuesday, 23 August 2016 17:01