“Buellia” lindingeri and Rinodina hallii (Physciaceae), two closely related species
- Author:
- Giralt M., Boom P.P.G. Van den & Elix J.A.
- Year:
- 2010
- Journal:
- Bryologist
- Pages:
- 113(1): 99–105
- Url:
A comparative study of the morphology, anatomy and chemistry of Buellia lindingeri and Rinodina hallii clearly shows that these taxa are very closely related but not conspecific. The unique epihymenia distinguishes them from most species of both Buellia and Rinodina but, as they are more closely related to Rinodina, Buellia lindingeri is transferred to that genus
- Id:
- 15867
- Submitter:
- jph
- Post_time:
- Thursday, 11 March 2010 10:22