Page 3761 of 3767 Results 37601 - 37610 of 37661
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Gierl C. & Kalb K. (1993): Die Flechtengattung Dibaeis. Eine Übersicht über die rosafrüchtigen Arten von Baeomyces sens. lat. nebst Anmerkungen zu Phyllobaeis, Herzogia, 9: 593-645

Abstract: Species with rosecoloured apothecia of the lichen genus Baeomyces sens. lat. are studied and separated as Dibaeis Clem, One species (D. baeomyces) has a holarctic distribution. In the tropics occur 13 other species, 6 of them new for science. Two subgenera are recognized: Dibaeis subgen. Dibaeis with D. arcuata, D. baeomyces, D. birmensis spec, nov., D. Columbiana, D. fungoides, D. globulifera spec, nov., D. holstii, D. inaequalis spec, nov., D. pulogensis, D. umbrelliformis spec. nov. … EN Read more... 

Fritz-Sheridan R.P. (1985): Impact of simulated Acid rains of nitrogenase activity in Peltigera aphtosa and P. polydactyla., Lichenologist, 17(1): 27-31

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Friedl T. (1987): Thallus development and phycobionts of the parasitic lichen Diploschistes muscorum, Lichenologist, 19(2): 183-191

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Follmann G. & Vězda A. (1977): Beobachtungen zur Verbreitung chilenischer Flechten. VIII. Eine neue Lecanactidaceae aus dem mittelchilenischen Hartlaubgürtel, Philippia, 3/4: 271-277

Lecanactis subdryophila Follm. et Vězda (Lecanactidaceae, Arthoniales, Ascolichenes) is described as a new corticolous species from the coastal belt of the Central Chilean sclerophyllous region. Some remarks concerning its morphology, chemistry, ecology, and sociology are included. EN Read more... 

Feige G.B., Viethen B. et Geyer M. (1990): Untersuchungen zur Phytochemie der Flechtenfamilie Roccellaceae. 2. Über die Flechten der Roccella canariensis-Grupe., Herzogia, 8: 421-428

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Farrar J.F. (1974): A method for investigating lichen growth rates and succession., Lichenologist, 6: 151-155

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Farkas E. & Vězda A. (1993): Five new foliicolous lichen species, Folia Geobot. Phytotax., 28: 321-330

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Farkas E. (1987): Foliicolous lichens of the Usambara mountains, Tanzania I, Lichenologist, 19(1): 43-59

Rich collections of foliicolous lichens were made, especially from submontane and montane areas, in the Usambara Mountains of Tanzania during the Usambara Rain Forest Research Project expeditions in 1982, 1984 and 1985. An enumeration of the identified species is provided together with taxonomic, ecological and geographical notes. This first part treats 36 species from the Arthoniaceae, Opegraphaceae and all genera with pyrenocarpous ascomata. New records include 14 species for the Usambaras, eight … EN Read more... 

Fahselt D., Maycock P.F. et Svoboda J. (1988): Initial establishment of saxicolous lichens following recent glacial recession in sverdrup pass, Ellesmere island, Canada., Lichenologist, 20(3): 253-268

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Esseen P.A., Ericson L., Lindström H. & Zackrisson O. (1981): Occurence and ecology of Usnea longissima in central Sweden., Lichenologist, 13(2): 177-190

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Page 3761 of 3767 Results 37601 - 37610 of 37661