Page 3750 of 3751 Results 37491 - 37500 of 37509
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Бархалов Ш.О. [Barchalov Sch.O.] (1968): Новые для СССР накипные лишайники из Талыша (Азербайджан). Lichenes crustacei pro URSS novi e Talysch (Azerbaidzhania), Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 5: 255-260

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Барашкова Э.А. [Baraschkova E.A.] (1968): МЕТОДЫ ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ПРИРOСТА КОРМОВОГО ЛИШАЙНИКА CLADONIA RANGIFERINA (L.) WEB.. De modis incrementi Cladoniae rangiferinae (L.) Web. determinandi notula, Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 5: 216-223

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Balatka B., Czudek T., Demek J. Ivan A. et Sládek J. (1975): Typologické členění reliéfu ČSR., Sborník Československé společnosti zeměp, 80: 3: 177-183

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Balatka B. Czudek T. Demek J. et Sládek J. (1973): Regionální členění reliéfu ČSR., Sborník Československé společnosti zeměp, 78: 2: 81-96

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Baddeley M.S., Ferry B. W. et Finegan E. J. (1971): A new method of measuring lichen respiration: Response of selected species to temperature, pH and sulphur dioxide., Lichenologist, 5: 18-25

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Arvidsson L. & Wall S. (1985): Contribution to the lichen flora of Madeira, Lichenologist, 17(1):39-49

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Armstrong R.A. (1973): Seasonal growth and growth rate-colony size relationships in six species of saxicolous lichens, New Phytologist, 72(5): 1023–1030

The pattern of seasonal growth and the relation of growth rate to colony size were studied in four foliose and two crustose species of saxicolous lichens. A new method of measuring growth was used whereby the advance of a sample of lobes along millimetres marked on the substrate was measured under a magnification of × 10. Three peaks of growth were found (in March, June and November) for the foliose species and a single peak (in May–August) for the crustose species. The peaks of growth corresponded … URL EN Read more... 

Armstrong R.A. (1985): Field experiments on competition between three foliose lichens using the De Wit experimental design., Environmental and Experimental Botany, 25(4): 369-374

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Svoboda D. (2007): Evaluation of the European method for mapping lichen diversity (LDV) as an indicator of environmental stress in the Czech Republic, Biologia, Bratislava, 62/4: 424—431

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Andrews J.T. & Webber P.J. (1964): A lichenometrical study of the northwestern margin of the Barnes Ice Cap: A geomorphological technique, Geographical Bulletin, 22: 80-104

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Page 3750 of 3751 Results 37491 - 37500 of 37509