Page 3745 of 3751 Results 37441 - 37450 of 37509
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Giralt M., Mayrhofer H. & Obermayer W. (1994): The species of the genus Rinodina (lichenized Ascomycetes, Physciaceae) containing pannarin in Eurasia with a special note on the taxonomy of Rinodina granulans, Mycotaxon, 50: 47-59

Six species with pannarin in the thalli or the apothecial discs (which are therefore PD+ orange) are treated, including a key. Notes are provided for another 5 species occurring outside Eurasia EN Read more... 

Giralt M. & Mayrhofer H. (1991): Rinodina boleana spec. nova, a new lichen species from north-eastern Spain, Mycotaxon, 40: 435-439

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Giralt M. & Mayrhofer H. (1994): Four corticolous species of the genus Rinodina (lichenized Ascomycetes (Physciaceae) containing atranorin in southern Europe and adjacent regions, Nova Hedwigia, 59: 129-142

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Giralt M. et Mayrhofer H. (1994): Four corticolous species of the genus Rinodina (lichenized Ascomycetes (Physciaceae) with polyspored asci., Herzogia, 10: 29-37

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Gilbert O.L., Henderson A. et James P.W. (1981): Citrine-green taxa in the genus Candelariella., Lichenologist, 13: 249-251

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Gilbert O.L. (1966): Lichen pathogens on Lecanora conizaeoides Nyl. ex Cromb., Lichenologist, 3: 275

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Gilbert O.L. (1990): The lichen flora of urban wasteland, Lichenologist, 22(1): 87-101

The lichen colonization of recently created urban wasteland is described by reference to 40 sites in England, Scotland and Wales. The 100 species encountered form a series of overlapping communities in which successional relationships over the first 16 years have been investigated. Floristic variation within towns tends to be greater than variation between them. On a national scale climatological, geological and historical factors appear to play only a small part in determining the composition of … EN Read more... 

Gilbert O.L. (1988): Studies on the destruction of Lecanora conizaeoides by the lichencolous fungus Athelia arachnoidea., Lichenologist, 20(2): 183-190

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Gierl C. & Kalb K. (1993): Die Flechtengattung Dibaeis. Eine Übersicht über die rosafrüchtigen Arten von Baeomyces sens. lat. nebst Anmerkungen zu Phyllobaeis, Herzogia, 9: 593-645

Abstract: Species with rosecoloured apothecia of the lichen genus Baeomyces sens. lat. are studied and separated as Dibaeis Clem, One species (D. baeomyces) has a holarctic distribution. In the tropics occur 13 other species, 6 of them new for science. Two subgenera are recognized: Dibaeis subgen. Dibaeis with D. arcuata, D. baeomyces, D. birmensis spec, nov., D. Columbiana, D. fungoides, D. globulifera spec, nov., D. holstii, D. inaequalis spec, nov., D. pulogensis, D. umbrelliformis spec. nov. … EN Read more... 

Fritz-Sheridan R.P. (1985): Impact of simulated Acid rains of nitrogenase activity in Peltigera aphtosa and P. polydactyla., Lichenologist, 17(1): 27-31

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Page 3745 of 3751 Results 37441 - 37450 of 37509