Page 3731 of 3773 Results 37301 - 37310 of 37728
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Голубкова Н.С. [Golubkova N.S.] (1983): Анализ флоры лишайников Монголии [Analiz flory lišajnikov Mongolii / Analysis of the lichen flora of Mongolia], Л. : Наука [Nauka, Leningrad], 248 p

Mongolia EN Read more... 

Hafellner J. (1995): A new checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of insular Laurimacaronesia including a lichenological bibliography for the are, Fritschiana, 5: 1-132

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Breuss O. (1988): Neue und bemerkenswerte Flechtenfunde aus Tenerife (Kanarische Inseln), Linzer. Biol. Beitr., 20(2): 829-845

Canary Islands. New species: Catapyrenium subrufescens Breuss; new combination: Placopyrenium rubescens (Timkó) Breuss EN Read more... 

Hafellner J. (1995): Bemerkenswerte Funde von Flechten und lichenicolen Pilzen auf makaronesischen Inseln III., Linzer. biol. Beitr., 27(2): 489-505

Africa, Canary Islands, Lichenicolous, Macaronesia, new to Macaronesia: Buellia pulverulenta, Caloplaca chrysophthalma, C. grimmiae, C. phaeothamnos, Lecania spadicea, L. carpinea, L. demissa, L. laatokaensis, L. mughicola, L. varia, Phacopsis cephalodioides, Phlyctis argena, Ramboldia insidiosa, Rhizocarpon epispilum, Rinodina insularis, R. obnascens, Thelocarpon coccosporum, Vezdaea stipitata. New to Africa: Caloplaca chrysophthalma, C. grimmiae, C. phaeothamnos, Lecanora mughicola, Phacopsis … EN Read more... 

Vitikainen O. (1988): Nephroma helveticum restituted for Finland, Graphis Scripta, 2: 9-10

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Follmann G. (1976): Lichen flora and lichen vegetation of the Canary Islands, In: Biogeography and Ecology in the Canary Islands. Monographiae Biologicae, 30: 267-285

Like on other relatively young volcanic islands, the percentage of lichenophytes in the plant cover of the Canary Islands is obviously high. From the very beginning, therefore, the luxuriant lichen vegetation has attracted botanists visiting the archipelago or studying plant samples from that island group. EN Read more... 

Follmann G. & Sánchez-Pinto L. (1980): Zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora und Flechtenvegetation der Kanarischen Inseln. III. Eine neue Strauchflechte aus dem Verwandtschaftskreis von Ramalina fraxinea (L.) Ach., Philippia, 4/3: 193-200

A new fruticose lichen, Ramalina superfraxinea Follm. et Sanch.-Pinto (aff. Ramalina fraxinea [L.] Ach., sect. Ramalina, subsect. Myelopoea, ser. Compressiusculae), is described from the lower pine belt of Tenerife, Canary Islands. Among other properties, the new species is characterized by large spurred ascocarps and relatively high amounts of divaricatic acid accumulated in the medulla. Ecologically being montane, corticolous, acidophilous, photophilous, hygrophytic, and poleophobous. It is sociologically … EN Read more... 

Follmann G. & Sánchez-Pinto L. (1981): Zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora und Flechtenvegetation der Kanarischen Inseln. IV. Über einige Neufunde alpiner Makrolichenen, Philippia, 4/4: 307-313

The following Alpine macrolichens are reported from the Macaronesian bioregion for the first time: Omphalodiscus decussatus (Vill.) Schol., Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca (SMITH) ZOPF, Rhizoplaca melanophthalma (Ram.) Leuck. et Poelt var. obscura (J. Stein.) Leuck. et Poelt, Umbilicaria cinereorufescens (SCHAER.) FREY, Umbilicaria hirsuta (SWARTZ) HOFFM. The chorology, ecology, and sociology of these umbilicate lecanoraceae and Umbilicariaceae· are briefly discussed. EN Read more... 

Follmann G. (1982): Zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora und Flechtenvegetation der Kanarischen Inseln. VI. Über einige Neufunde alpiner Mikrolichenen, Philippia, 5/1: 33-39

The following Alpine microlichens are reported from the Macaronesian bioregion (Canary Islands) for the first time: Rhizocarpon frigidum Räsänen (Gomera), Rhizocarpon geminatum Körb. (Pairna, Tenerife), Sporastatia testudinea (ACH.) MASS. (Tenerife). A first record of Rhizoearpon tavaresii Räsänen from Palma is also dealt with, which may serve as characteristic species of an acidophytic, photophytic, xerotolerant lichen association of the high mountain belt of the. Canary Islands (Rhizocarpetum. … EN Read more... 

Follmann G. & Poelt J. (1981): Zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora und Flechtenvegetation der Kanarischen Inseln. V. Eine neue Bodenflechte aus dem Verwandtschaftskreis von Fulgensia desertorum (Tom.) Poelt und das Diploschistetum albescentis Klem., Philippia, 4/5: 370-378

Fulgensia canariensis FOLLM. et POELT (aff. Fulgensia desertorum [TOM.] POELT, sect. Fulgensia, Teloschistaceae)is described as a new crustose, terricolous lichen from the Canary Islands (Hierro, Tenerife), including a comparative analys,is of its morphology, chemistry, ecology, and sociology. Whereas the occurrence on the Canary Islands of Fulgensia fulgens (SWARTZ) ELENK. s. str. could not be confirmed, Fulgensia desertorum (TOM.) POELT and Fulgensia subbracteata (NYL.) POELT have been recorded … EN Read more... 

Page 3731 of 3773 Results 37301 - 37310 of 37728