Harada H. & Wang L.-S.
Taxonomic Study on the Freshwater Species of Verrucariaceae (Lichenized Ascomycota) of Yunnan, China (4). Genus Verrucaria,
7(1): 1-24
The taxonomy of aquatic or semi-aquatic freshwater species of Verrucaria from Yunnan, China was investigated. The following four species are described as new: V. honghensis, V. gongshanensis, V. luchunensis, and V. nujiangensis. Seven additional species are reported: Verrucaria aethiobola, V. aquatilis, V. funckii, V. hydrela, V. latebrosa, V. praetermissa and V. rheitrophila. Descriptions, illustrations and a key to species are provided. aquatic, China, lichens, …