Page 3728 of 3773 Results 37271 - 37280 of 37728
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Harada H. (1993): Lichens of Chiba-ken, central Japan (1). Notes on three noteworthy species, Hikobia, 11: 235-238

Enterographa anguinella, Myelochroa hayachinensis, Graphina soozana, Japan EN Read more... 

Harada H. (1993): Taxonomic notes on the lichen family Verrucariaceae in Japan (IV). Verrucaria minuscula sp. nov., Hikobia, 11: 231-233

Verrucaria minuscula, Japan EN Read more... 

Harada H. (1992): Taxonomic notes on the lichen family Verrucariaceae in Japan (II). Thelidium minimum in Japan, Hikobia, 11: 205-209

Thelidium minimum (Massal. ex Nyl.) Arn. has been reported only once from Japan (Nylander 1890), originally as Verrucaria minima Massal. The original specimen studied by Nylander has been examined. Although it is very fragmentary material, the lichen can be easily distinguished from Thelidium minimum (Massal. ex Nyl.) Arn. in the morphology of the thallus and perithecia, and also the habitat. It is doubted whether the Japanese material belongs to the genus Thelidium. Thelidium minimum (Massal. ex … EN Read more... 

Harada H. (2011): On freshwater species of lichens in Japan, Lichenology, 9(2): 59-62

Ionaspis lacustris, Ephebe japonica, Lichinella hondana, Thyrea asahinae, Peltula japonica, Cyanopyrenia japonica, Strigula aquatica, Dermatocarpon miniatum, Endocarpon japonicum, Psoroglaena japonica, Staurothele iwatsukii, Verrucaria nipponica, V. rheitrophila, Collemopsidium japonicum EN Read more... 

Harada H. (2011): Coccotrema pocillarium (lichenized Ascomycota, Coccotremataceae) occurs in Japan., Lichenology, 9(2): 39-43

Coccotrema pocillarium (Cummings) Brodo Is reported as new for Asia. Et was found growing on the trunk of evergreen conifer, Abies veitchii in Abies veitchii-forest, 2100 m elev., on the northern side of Mt. Fuji, central Japan. This species is readily distinguished from the previously known two species of this genus from Japan by having soralia, whereas C. porinopsis {Nyl.) Imshaug ex Yoshim. is isidiate, and C. cucurbitula (Mont.) Muil.Arg. lacks any vegetative propagule EN Read more... 

Harada H. (2010): Leptogium tchibanense (lichenized Ascomycota, Collemataceae), a new small cyanolichen from central Japan, Lichenology, 9(1): 19-22

Leptogium chibaense H.Harada in the family Collemataceae is described as new from a warm- temperate forest in Chiba-ken, central Japan. This species is closely related to /.. subtile, but the thallus consists of linear lobes with very dark grey dorsal surface, and the cortices are thinner (5 - 10 |.im). It differs ecologically by growing on rocks In the warm-temperate zone. Leptogium, lichens, new species, taxonomy EN Read more... 

Sakata A. & Harada H. (2010): Contributions Lo the Lichen Flora of the Mariana Islands, Micronesia (4). Genus Cresponea (Roccellaceae), Lichenology, 9(1): 23-26

Oesponea flavcscens (Vain.) Egeti & Torrents is reported from the northern Mariana Islands, Micronesia. This species, previously known only from Mozambique, Africa, is new for Oceania. A detailed description and figure are provided based on tin: Specimens from the Marianas. Cresponea, lichens, morphology, taxonomy EN Read more... 

Sakata A. & Harada H. (2009): Cresponea (lichenized Ascomycota, Roccellaceae) of Japan, Lichenology, 8(2): 91-115

The taxonomy of the lichen genus Cresponea in Japan was examined, and three species are recognized. Cresponea japonica A.Sakata 8. H.Harada sp. nov. is described as new based on specimens growing on trunks of Ginkgo biloba and Podocarpus macrophyllus from Chiba-ken and Shizuoka-ken, on the Pacific side of central Japan. It is characterized by pruina spreading from the disc towards the top of the apothecial margin, a low hymenium (38 - 5B um high), dark brown epithecium, colorless hymenium and subhymenium, … EN Read more... 

Harada H. & Sato H. (2008): Contributions to the lichen flora of the Yambaru area, Okinawa, Ryukyu Is., south-western Japan (1). Genus Porina, Lichenology, 7(2): 131-142

Corticalous species of the lichen genus Porina (Porinaceae) in the Yambaru (or Yanbaru) area, Okinawa I., Japan were investigated, and six species were recognized: P. eminentior, P. farinosa, P. internigrans, P. mastoidea, P. tetracerae and P. Yambaruensis H. Harsda sp. nov. Descriptions and illustrations are provided for each species based on specimens from the Yambaru area. Asia, Japan, corticolous, lichens, Porina EN Read more... 

Harada H. & Wang L.-S. (2008): Taxonomic Study on the Freshwater Species of Verrucariaceae (Lichenized Ascomycota) of Yunnan, China (4). Genus Verrucaria, Lichenology, 7(1): 1-24

The taxonomy of aquatic or semi-aquatic freshwater species of Verrucaria from Yunnan, China was investigated. The following four species are described as new: V. honghensis, V. gongshanensis, V. luchunensis, and V. nujiangensis. Seven additional species are reported: Verrucaria aethiobola, V. aquatilis, V. funckii, V. hydrela, V. latebrosa, V. praetermissa and V. rheitrophila. Descriptions, illustrations and a key to species are provided. aquatic, China, lichens, … EN Read more... 

Page 3728 of 3773 Results 37271 - 37280 of 37728