Page 3713 of 3734 Results 37121 - 37130 of 37340
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Poelt J. & Grube M. (1993): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Flechtenflora des Himalaya VI. Die Gattung Tephromela (mit Bemerkungen zum Genus Heppsora)., Nova Hedwigia, 57: 1-17

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Poelt J. (1993): Ökologie und Diversität bei den Flechten. in Rundgespräche der Kommission für Ökologie, Bd. 6 "Dynamik von Flora und Fauna, Artenv, p. 49-53, Verlag Dr. Fr. Pfeil, Mün

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Poelt J. (1990): Parasitische Arten der Flechtengattung Rhizocarpon: eine weitere Übersicht., Mitt. Bot. Staatssammml. München, 29: 515-538

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Poelt J. (1994): Bemerkenswerte Flechten aus Österreich, insbesondere der Steiermark., Mitteilungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines für Steiermark, 124: 91-111

Remarkable collections of lichens from Austria, especially from Styria, are recorded. 25 species and 1 subspecies (probably better species) are new to Austria; in addition to these, 12 species are new to Styria. The taxa are annotated, and the taxonomy, ecology and geographical distribution of some groups are discussed in more detail: Cladonia uncialis with special regard to subsp. biuncialis, and some groups oí Aspicilia, especially A. calcarea coll. , and the species of arctic-alpine distribution currently … EN Read more... 

Poelt J. (1994): Different species types in lichenized Ascomycetes., in Hawksworth D.L. [ed.] (1994), Ascomyc, Plenum Press, New York

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Pišút I., Lackovičová A. & Lisická E. (1993): Súpis lišajníkov Slovenska., Biológia, 48/Suppl. 1: 53-98

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Pišút I. & Lackovičová A. (1992): Flechten der Staatlichen Natur-Reservation Stužica (Gebirge Bukovské vrchy, Ostslowakei), Biológia (Bratislava), 47: 549-559

A survey of epiphytic lichen communities and a list of lichen taxa is presented (Lecanora cinereofusca and Pertusaria alpina are the new species for Czecho-Slovakia). The epiphytic lichen vegetation is still relatively weil preserved, however the influence of pollutants from long distances is visible. Key words: lichens, phyiosociology, floristics. EN Read more... 

Pišút I. & Jelínková E. (1971): Über die Artberechtigung der Flechte Lecanora conizaeoides Nyl. ex Cromb., Preslia, 43: 254-257

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Pišút I. (1980): Lichenes Slovakiae Exsiccati. Fasc. 12. no. 276-300)., Editi a Museo Slovaco,

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Pišút I. (1976): Lichenes Slovakiae Exsiccati. Fasc. 10. (no. 226-250), Editi a Museo Nationali Slovaco, Bratislava, 7 pp

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Page 3713 of 3734 Results 37121 - 37130 of 37340