Page 3674 of 3688 Results 36731 - 36740 of 36876
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Lawrey J.D. (1991): Biotic interactions in lichen community development: a review - Lichenologist, 23(3): 205-214

The extent to which biotic factors (competition, predation/disease, longevity) regulate lichen community development can be addressed by considering a number of general trends expected in higher plant successions and searching for supporting evidence from lichen studies. Four of the most frequently observed (or predicted) trends during succession are that: (1) superior competitors replace poor competitors; (2) ecologically specialized species replace generalists; (3) chemically well-defended species … EndNote Read more... 

Laundon J.R. (1963): The taxonomy of sterile crustaceous lichens in the British Isles 2. Corticolous and lignicolous species. - Lichenologist, 2: 101-151

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Laundon J.R. (1992): Lepraria in the British Isles. - Lichenologist, 24(4): 315-350

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Laundon J.R. (1981): The species of Chrysothrix. - Lichenologist, 13: 101-121

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Lamb I.M. (1978): Keys to the species of the lichen genus Stereocaulon (Schreb.) Hoffm. - Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab., 44: 209-250

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Kuťák V. (1923): Vzácné lišejníky české. - Věstník I. sjezdu československých botaniků v Praze, p. 60

More interesting lichens collected by V. Kuťák since 1914 are listed, namely from the territory of NE Bohemia. EndNote Read more... 

Kuťák V. (1923): Lišejníková flora pískovcových skal v severovýchodních Čechách - Věstník I. sjezdu československých botanikù v Praze, p. 59-60

Report on the lecture. Die Flechtenflora der Sandsteinfelsen in Nordostböhmen EndNote Read more... 

Kuťák V. (1910): Vzácný lišejník v Čechách. [Eine seltene Flechte in Böhmen.] - Příroda [Olomouc], 8: 304

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Kuťák V. (1927): Třetí příspěvek ku květeně českých lišejníků. - Preslia, 5: 36-51

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Kuťák V. (1926): Příspěvek k lichenologii Krkonoš. - Preslia, 4: 20-29

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Page 3674 of 3688 Results 36731 - 36740 of 36876