Hradílek Z. & Halda J.P.
Mechorosty a lišejníky Národní přírodní rezervace Hůrka u Hranic. [Bryophytes and Lichens of the Hůrka National Nature Reserve near the town of Hranice (Central Moravia, Czech Republic)],
Acta Mus. Richnoviensis (Sect. natur.),
17(2): 29–56
bryophytes, lichens, Hůrka National Nature Reserve, Central Moravia, Czech Republic The present paper reports historical and recent composition of bryophytes and lichens of the Hůrka National Nature Reserve near the town of Hranice. 142 bryophytes and 83 lichen-forming fungi have recently been found at this locality. The most interesting bryophytes growing here are Cololejeunea rossettiana, Conardia compacta, Didymodon glaucus, D. sinuosus, Fissidens arnoldii, and Rhynchostegiella teneriffae. All …