Page 3672 of 3688 Results 36711 - 36720 of 36876
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Mayrhofer H. & Sheard J.W. (1988): Four notable saxicolous species of the lichenized Ascomycete genus Rinodina from the Arctic - Bryologist, 91(2): 106-112

Rinodia calcigena (Th. Fr.) Lynge belongs to the R. bischoffii- rather than to the R. bicincta-group of species. It is most closely related R. castanomelodes Mayrh. and Poelt but is allopatric with it. Rinodina endophragmia Lamb, described from the Antarctic, is a bipolar species and R. arnoldii Mayrh. and Poelt is also recorded from the Arctic for the first time. Rinodina endophragmia, now found to be widely distributed in West Greenland, it compared to R. straussii Steiner emend. Mayrh. and to … EndNote Read more... 

Mayrhofer H. (1984): Die saxicole Arten der flechtengattungen Rinodina und Rinodinella in der alten Welt. - Journ. Hattori Bot. Lab., 55:327-493

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Matzer M., Mayrhofer H., Sattler J. & Clerc P. (1994): Rinodina canariensis (lichenized Ascomycetes, Physciaceae), a new species parazitic on crustose lichens in Macaronesia and the Mediterranean region - Nordic Journal of Botany, 14: 105-111

A new species, Rinodina canariensis (lichenized Ascomycetes, Physciaceae), is described. It usually grows parasitically on saxicolous crustose lichens in Macaronesia and in the Mediterranean region. It is well characterized chemically by the presence of gyrophoric acid. The characters of the new species are compared with those of other taxa of the genus Rinodina containing gyrophoric acid. Rinodina alba and R. atrocinerea are reported from the island of Madeira for the first time. A short survey … EndNote Read more... 

Matzer M. et Mayrhofer H. (1994): The saxicolous Rinodina teichophila and tree closely related species from the Southern Hemisphere (Physciaceae, lichenized Ascomyc - Acta Bot. Fennica, 150: 109-120

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Matzer M, Mayrhofer H. et Scheidegger Ch. (1994): Notes on Amandinea petermanii comb. nov. (Physciaceae) from Antarctica. - Lichenologist, 26(1): 39-46

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Malcolm W. A. & Vězda A. (1995): Two new saxicolous species of the lichen genus Byssoloma from New Zealand - Mycotaxon, 55: 357-362

Byssoloma adspersum sp. nov., B. octomerum sp. nov. A key to the five species of Byssoloma known to occur in New Zealand is provided EndNote Read more... 

Malcolm W. A. & Vězda A. (1995): Additional Lichen Records from New Zealand. 13. Aspidothelium cinerascens. Vain. - Australasian Lichenological Newsletter, 37: 13-15

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Malcolm W.M. & Vězda A. (1995): New foliicolous lichens from New Zealand 1 - Folia Geobot. Phytotax., 30: 91-96

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Malcolm W.A. & Vězda A. (1994): Badimiella serusiauxii, a new genus and species of foliicolous lichens from New Zealand (Ectolechiaceae). - Nova Hedwigia, 59(3-4): 517-523

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Макарова И.И. [Makarova I.I.] (1977): Новые для Чукотского полуострова виды лишайников. Lichenes pro peninsula Czukotka novi - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 14: 188-190

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Page 3672 of 3688 Results 36711 - 36720 of 36876