Page 3668 of 3688 Results 36671 - 36680 of 36876
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Pišút I. (1966): Lichenes Slovakiae Exsiccati. Fasc. 4. (no. 76-100) - Editi a Museo Nationali Slovaco, Bratislava, 8 pp

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Pišút I. (1965): Lichenes Slovakiae Exsiccati. Fasc. 3. no. (51-75) - Editi a Museo Nationali Slovaco, Bratislava, 7 pp

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Pišút I. (1990): Mapping of Lichens in Slovakia. - Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk., 456: 53-57

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Pišút I. (1971): Lichenes Slovakiae Exsiccati. Fasc. 8. no. (176-200) - Editi a Museo Nationali Slovaco, Bratislava, 7 pp

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Pišút I. (1990): RNDr. Ing. Antonín Vězda CSc - 70 rokov. - Preslia, 62: 375-377

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Pišút I. (1982): Die Verbreitung der Flechte Cladonia portentosa in der Tschechoslowakei - Preslia, 54: 193-199

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Pišút I. (1968): Lichenologische Bemerkungen 3 - Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, Bratislava, 50: 1–9

Collemataceae, taxonomy, nomenclature, chorology; Collema polycarpon subsp. corcyrense, comb. nov., Collema nigrescens subsp. subnigrescens comb. nov. EndNote Read more... 

Pišút I. (1993): List of extinct, missing and threatened lichens in Slovakia - the second draft. - Biológia, 48: 19-26

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Pišút I. (1990): Nachträge zur Kenntnis der Flechten der Slowakei 12. - Zbor. Slov. Múz. Prír. Vedy, Bratislava, 36: 9-13

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Pišút I. (1961): Lichenologische Bemerkungen 2. - Preslia, 33: 369-374

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Page 3668 of 3688 Results 36671 - 36680 of 36876