Page 3663 of 3688 Results 36621 - 36630 of 36876
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Suza J. (1930): Poznámky k lichenologickému výzkumu Sulovských skal na Slovensku - Sborník Přírodovědecké Společnosti v Mor. Ostravě, 5: 73-83

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Stone D.F. (1989): Epiphyte Succession on Quercus garryana Branches in the Willamette Valley of Western Oregon. - Bryologist, 92(1): 81-94

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Равинская А.П. & Вайнштейн Е.А. [Ravinskaja A.P. & Vainschtein E.A.] (1975): Хемотаксоиомическое значение изменений содержания лишайниковых кислот. De mutabilitate contenti acidorum lichenicorum et valore eius chemotaxonomico - Новости систематики низших растений / Novitates systematicae plantarum non vascularium, 12: 266-273

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Sheard J.W. (1967): A revision of the lichen genus Rinodina (Ach.) Gray in the British Isles. - Lichenologist, 3: 328-367

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Sheard J.W. (1964): The genus Buellia de Notaris in the British Isles (excluding section Diploicia (Massal.) Stiz.). - Lichenologist, 2: 225-262

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Sérusiaux E. (1993): New taxa of foliicolous lichens from Western Europe and Macaronesia. - Nord. J. Bot., 13(4): 447-461

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Seaward M.R.D. & Letrouit-Galinou M.A. (1991): Lichen recolonization of trees in the Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris - Lichenologist, 23(2): 181-186

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Seaward M.R.D. (1974): Some observations on heavy metal toxicity and tolerance in lichens. - Lichenologist, 6: 158-164

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Scheidegger Ch. (1993): A revision of european saxicolous species of the genus Buellia De Not. and formerly included genera. - Lichenologist, 25(4): 315-364

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Auer A.V. (1934): Einige Flechtenfunde aus Finnland - Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. 'Vanamo', 5/9: 12-16

Finland EndNote Read more... 

Page 3663 of 3688 Results 36621 - 36630 of 36876