Page 3659 of 3703 Results 36581 - 36590 of 37024
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Harada H. (2008): Taxonomic notes on pyrenocarpous lichens in Japan (5). Further notes on Pyrenula concatervans and P. tokyensis - Lichenology, 7(2): 169-172

Pyrenula concatervans, P. tokyensis EndNote Read more... 

Harada H., Kinoshita Y. & Sato H. (2007): Dibaeis sorediata (lichenized Ascomycota, Icmadophilaceae) as new for Japan - Lichenology, 6(1): 11-14

Dibaeis sorediata, Japan EndNote Read more... 

Harada H. & Yamamoto I. (2007): Mazaediothecium mohamedii (Lichenized Ascomycota, Pyrenulaceae), a New Pyrenocarpous Lichen from Peninsular Malaysia - Lichenology, 6(2): 135-139

Mazaediothecium mohamedii H.Harada & Yoshik.Yamam. in the family Pyrenulaceae is described as new from a tropical rain forest in Peninsular Malaysia. It differs from the most closely related species, M. album from Costa Rica, by a prominent involucrellum, well-developed periphyses and brown ascospores. It was found growing on a hardwood trunk at the edge of a lowland forest. Pyrenulales, lichens, Malaysia, new species, lichexanthone, taxonomy EndNote Read more... 

Harada H. & Wang L.-S. (2004): Taxonomic study on the freshwater species of Verrucariaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) of Yunnan. China (1). Thelidium yunnanum sp. nov - Lichenology, 3(2): 47-50

Thelidium yunnanum, China EndNote Read more... 

Harada H. & Yoshimura I. (2005): Taxonomic study on calcicolous lichens of Japan (1). Gyalecta kibiensis sp. nov. - Lichenology, 4(1): 13-16

Gyalecta kibiensis is described as new From Okayama-ken, western Japan as the second member of this genus in Japan. It most resembles Gyalecta japonica from central Japan and G. alutacea from Yunnan, southern China In having ascospores with flagellum-like appendage. lichens, new species, taxonomy, Gyalecta, Japan EndNote Read more... 

Harada H., Degawa Y. & Kawana T. (2005): New localities and habitats of Gyalecta japonica (lichenized Ascomycota, Gyalectaceae) in central Japan - Lichenology, 4(1): 17-24

Gyalecta japonica, previously known only from the type locality in Zushi-shi, Kanagawa-ken, was newly found in Kamakura-shi, Kanagawa-ken and Futtsu-shi, Chiba-ken, both in central Japan. It grows on various kinds of rocks such as tuffaceous conglomerate, tuffaceous sandstone, sandstone rocks, beach rocks and also on concrete. The substrata seem to be more or less calcareous EndNote Read more... 

Suto Y. & Ohtani S. (2005): Taxonomic study on foliicolous lichens of the genus Porina (lichenized Ascomycota, Strigulaceae) from Shimane-ken, western Japan - Lichenology, 4(1): 17-24

Porina nitidula, P. semecarpi, P. thujopsicola EndNote Read more... 

Harada H., Okamoto T., Azai T. (2002): Three noteworthy macro lichens found in Larix forest on Mt. Nyugasa and its vicinity, central Japan - Lichenology, 1(2): 67-72

Bryoria nadvornikiana, Ramalina roeslerii, Tuckneraria laureri EndNote Read more... 

Harada H., Kobayashi T. & Miyawaki H. (2002): Materials for the study of distributions of lichenized fungi (2). Graphis cervina - Lichenology, 1(2): 73-74

Graphis cervina EndNote Read more... 

Vězda A. (1960-1991): Lichenes selecti exsiccati 1-100 (1-2500) - Editi ab Instituto Botanico Universitati,

EndNote Read more... 

Page 3659 of 3703 Results 36581 - 36590 of 37024