Page 3653 of 3772 Results 36521 - 36530 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Foucard T. & Thor G. (1996): Gyalidea praetermissa, a new lichen from Sweden, Lichenologist, 28(2): 101-104

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Eldridge D. J. (1996): Dispersal of microphytes by water errosion in an Australian semi-arid woodland, Lichenologist, 28(1): 97-100

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Gilbert O. L. (1996): The occurence of lichens with albino fruit bodies (Ascomata) and their taxonomic significance, Lichenologist, 28(1): 94-97

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Lindstrom M. (1996): Leptogium valdivianum, a new species from cool temperate South America, Lichenologist, 28(1): 91-94

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Upreti D. K. & Aptroot A. (1996): Lithothelium himalayense, a new pyrenocarpous lichen from India, Lichenologist, 28(1): 89-91

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Piervittori R., Usai L., Alessio F. & Maffei M. (1996): Surface N-alkaline variability in Xanthoria parietina, Lichenologist, 28(1): 79-81

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Wastlhuber R. & Loos E. (1996): Difference between cultured and freshly isolated cyanobiont from Peltigera - is three symbiosis - specific regulation of a glucose, Lichenologist, 28(1): 67-78

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Calatayud A., Sanz M. J., Barreno E. & Valle-Tascón S. (1996): Chlorophyll a fluorescence and chlorophyll content in Parmelia quercina thalli from a polluted region of northern Castelón (Spain), Lichenologist, 28(1): 49-65

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Casares-Porcel M., Hafellner J. & Gutierez-Carreteros L. (1996): Species of the genus Lecidea (Lecanorales) on gypsum in Spain, Lichenologist, 28(1): 37-47

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Grube M. & Giralt M. (1996): Studies on some species of Arthothelium occurring in the western Mediterranean, Lichenologist, 28(1): 15–36

We present a survey of the six known species of Arthothelium occurring in the western Mediterranean. The oceanic A. lirellans, which may occur in the study area, is included for comparison; A. taediosoides is described as new and a key to all species is given. Arthothelium as understood today is composed of more-or-less distinct natural groups of species, some of them being compared here. Representatives of the A. sardoum group are related to species of the Arthonia radiata or A. galactites … EN Read more... 

Page 3653 of 3772 Results 36521 - 36530 of 37716