Page 3652 of 3717 Results 36511 - 36520 of 37163
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Keller C. & Scheidegger C. (1994): Zur Verbreitung von Wasserflechten in Abhangigkeit zur jährlichen Überflutungsdauer im Flüelatal (Schweiz, Kanton Graubünden), Herzogia, 10: 99-114

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Keller C. (1996): Infraspezifische Variabilität - ein thema in der Systematik der Süswasser - Verrucarien (Verrucariales, Ascomycotina), Mycologia Helvetica, 8(2): 72-107

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Yazici K. & Aslan A. (2006): Four new lichens from Turkey, Mycotaxon, 95: 315-318

Acrocordia cavata, Cladonia awasthiana, Parmelinopsis afrorevoluta and Usnea silesiaca EN Read more... 

Smith C.W., Aptroot A., Coppins B. J., Fletcher A., Gilbert O. L., James P.W. & Wolseley P. A. (2009): The Lichens of Great Britain and Ireland, The British Lichen Society, London, 1046 pp

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Ladd D., Harris, R. C. & Buck W. R. (2009): Lichens and related fungi of Highstead Arboretum, Fairfield County, Connecticut , Opuscula Philolichenum, 6: 81-86

An inventory of the lichens at Highstead Arboretum in southwestern Connecticut documented 88 taxa of lichens and associated fungi. The lichen biota of the site is dominated by crustose taxa, and cyanolichens are notably absent. The lichens of the site have a strong preponderance of taxa with wide–ranging eastern temperate and pan–temperate biogeographic patterns, with minimal coastal plain influence. The sixth New England population of a regionally rare lichen, Parmotrema reticulatum, was discovered … EN Read more... 

Upreti D. K., Nayaka S. & Andreev M. P. (2006): Notes on some species of the lichen genus Lecidea from India, Mycotaxon, 95: 323-330

Lecidea confluens, L. plana and L. tessellata EN Read more... 

Donha C. G. & Eliasaro S. (2006): Two new species of Parmotrema (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) from Brazil, Mycotaxon, 95: 241-245

Parmotrema sorediosulphuratum Eliasaro & Donha sp. nov. and P. superaguiense sp. nov. Both taxa have a yellow-pigmented medulla EN Read more... 

Stenroos S. & Ahti T. (1990): The lichen family Cladoniaceae in Tierra del Fuego: problematic or otherwise noteworthy taxa, Ann. Bot. Fennici, 27: 317-327

Cladina, Cladonia, valdiviensis, mawsonii, propagulifera, gracilis, aspera, sarmentosa, hypocritica, ustulata, cupulifera, pleurota, digitiformis, weymouthii, acuminata, bellidiflora, symhycarpa, stygia EN Read more... 

Hawksworth D. L. (2006): Temina, M.; Kondratyuk, S. Y.; Nevo, E.; Wasser, S.: Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of Israel. A. R. G. Ganter Verlag Kommandit Gesellschaft, FI 9491 Ruggell. 384 pages. 2005, Mycotaxon, 96: 351-352

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Hawksworth D. L. (2006): Holien, H.; Tønsberg, T.: Norsk Lavflora. Tapir Akademisk Forlag, Nardovegen 14, NO-75005 Trondheim, Norway. 224 pages. 2006, Mycotaxon, 96: 349-350

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Page 3652 of 3717 Results 36511 - 36520 of 37163