Page 3621 of 3772 Results 36201 - 36210 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Hafellner J. (1996): Bemerkenswerte Funde von Flechten und Lichenicole Pilze auf Makaronesischen Inseln 4. Einige bisher übersehene Lichenicole Arten d, Cryptogamie, Bryol. Lichenol., 17(1): 1-14

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IAL (1999): IAL, International lichenological newsletter, 32 (2): 34-63

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IAL (1999): IAL, International lichenological newsletter, 32 (1): 1-29

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Dětinský R. & Lisická E. (1999): Nové lokality niektorých zaujímavých štítnatcov (rod Peltigera, lichenizované askomycety) v Tatranskom národnom parku, Bull. Slov. Spoločn., Bratislava, 21: 4l-47

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Hajdúk J. & Lisická E. (1999): Cladonia rei (lichenizované askomycéty) na stanovištiach kontaminovaných imisiami z Kovohút Krompachy (SV Slovensko) [Cladonia rei (lichenized Ascomycotina) on heavy metal-contaminated habitats near copper smelters at Krompachy (NE Slovakia)], Bulletin Slovenskej Botanickej Spoločnosti, Bratislava, 21: 49-51

Cladonia rei, not very common lichen species in Slovakia, was found in the vicinity of copper smelters at Krompachy, growing on bare acid soil, amongst the moss Ceratodon purpureus, in habitats strongly affected by airborne heavy metals and SO2. All vascular plants, except for a few hardly surviving species of severely damaged shrubs and trees, have disappeared from these habitats. The lichen was very abundant, showing apparently a high tolerance towards the pollution. EN Read more... 

Harada H. (2017): Taxonomic Notes on Pyrenocarpous Lichens in Japan (7). Anisomeridium throwerae (Monoblastiaceae) new to Japan, Lichenology, 16(1): 69–73

Anisomeridium throwerae is reported as new for Japan. It was found growing on the trunk of an evergreen hardwood, Cinnamomum japonicum, in forests in the warm-temperate zone in Kagoshima-ken, Kyushu, southwestern Japan. A detailed description with illustrations is provided based on the Japanese material. lichenized Ascomycota, new record, Taxonomy, biodiversity, Kagoshima, Japan EN Read more... 

Vězda A. & Liška J. (1999): Katalog lišejníků České Republiky, Botanický ústav ČSAV, Průhonice, 283 p.

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Srb V. (1960): Život a dílo dr. M. Servíta, Acta musei reginaehradecensis ser. A, 1: 113-122

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Palice Z. (1999): New and noteworthy records of lichens in the Czech Republic, Preslia, 71: 289-336

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Lisická E. & Horáková J. (1991): Physcia opuntiella Buschardt et Poelt (Flechten, Physciaceae) neu für die Tschechoslowakei, Preslia, 63: 189-191

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Page 3621 of 3772 Results 36201 - 36210 of 37716