Page 3616 of 3694 Results 36151 - 36160 of 36936
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Hradílek Z. & Halda J.P. (2010): Mechorosty a lišejníky Národní přírodní rezervace Hůrka u Hranic. [Bryophytes and Lichens of the Hůrka National Nature Reserve near the town of Hranice (Central Moravia, Czech Republic)] - Acta Mus. Richnoviensis (Sect. natur.), 17(2): 29–56

bryophytes, lichens, Hůrka National Nature Reserve, Central Moravia, Czech Republic The present paper reports historical and recent composition of bryophytes and lichens of the Hůrka National Nature Reserve near the town of Hranice. 142 bryophytes and 83 lichen-forming fungi have recently been found at this locality. The most interesting bryophytes growing here are Cololejeunea rossettiana, Conardia compacta, Didymodon glaucus, D. sinuosus, Fissidens arnoldii, and Rhynchostegiella teneriffae. All … EndNote PDF Read more... 

Choisy M. (1956): A propos de la Taxinomie des Champignons des Lichens - Revue Bryologique et Lichenologique, 25: 317-320

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Moreau F. (1956): Sur la théorie biomorphogénique des Lichens - Revue Bryologique et Lichenologique, 25: 183-186

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Kofler L. (1956): Remarques sur les Lecanora corticoles du groupe subfusca. Leur répartition dans les Alpes du Dauphiné - Revue Bryologique et Lichenologique, 25: 167-182

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Imshaug H. A. (1956): Catalogue of Mexican lichens - Revue Bryologique et Lichenologique, 25: 321-385

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Degelius G. (1974): The lichen genus Collema with special reference to the extra - European species - Symb. Bot. Ups., 20: 1-215

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Tibell L. (1981): Notes on Caliciales 3. Some species from Africa - Lichenologist, 13(2): 161-165

Fifteen species are reported; 7 are new to Africa and two are first reports from Macronesia EndNote Read more... 

Swinscow T. D. V. & Krog H. (1975): The Usnea undulata aggregate in East Africa - Lichenologist, 7: 121-138

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Fink B. (1935): The lichen flora of the United States. Completed for Publication by Joyce Hedrick - University of Michigan Press, xii + 426 pp

Fourth printing 1971 EndNote Read more... 

Kurokawa S. (1994): Japanese species of Parmelia Ach. (sens. str.), Parmeliaceae 3 - J. Jpn. Bot., 69: 204-213

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Page 3616 of 3694 Results 36151 - 36160 of 36936