Page 3615 of 3674 Results 36141 - 36150 of 36739
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Culberson W.L. (1961): Recent Literature on Lichens. 36 - Bryologist, 64(1): 83-86

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Stordeur R. (2003): Zur Ökologie und Verbreitung von Caloplaca thuringiaca - Bibl. Lichenol., 86: 453-464

The localities of Caloplaca thuringiaca Sochting & Stordeur hitherto known from Germany, Austria, Suisse and Italy are listed. Location, geomorphofogy, climate and plant geographical classification of the type locality are described in detail and compared with the other localities of these species. In two tables the epigeic lichen species found at these localities and the associated species of Caloplaca thuringiaca are listed. The ecological conditions for the occurrence of this species are characterized … EndNote Read more... 

Søchting U. & Fröberg L. (2003): Caloplaca asserigena, the correct name for a small lichen with a unique chemistry - Bibl. Lichenol., 86: 47-51

Caloplaca asserigena is shown to be the correct name for what has been called C. assigena. A description is provided, and it is reported to have a unique anthraquinone not previously known within Teloschistaceae. A recent find from thin twigs of Helianthemum oelandicum on the Swedish island of Öland in the Baltic is reported and its ecology is summarized EndNote Read more... 

Halda J. P. & Vězda A. (2007): A list of new taxa of lichens and lichenicolous fungi published by Antonín Vězda 1958−2007 by himself or together with co−auctors (Seznam taxonů lišejníků a lichenikolních hub, publikovaných A. Vězdou a spoluautory v letech 1958−2007) - Acta Mus. Richnov. (Sect. natur.), 14(3): 69-92

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Ritschel G. (1976): Neue und wenig beachtete epiphytische Flechten in Stadtgebiet von Zurich - Herzogia, 4:33-46

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Hafellner J. & Mayrhofer H. (1977): Rhizocarpon malenconianum (Llimona et Werner) comb. nov., ein weiterer parasymbiontischer Vertreter der Flechtengattung Rhizocarpon - Herzogia, 4: 345-350

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Hertel H. (1977): Bemerkenswerte Flechtenfunde aus den Gebiet des Kongsfjordes und des Isfjordes (Spitzbergen) - Herzogia, 4: 367-401

From the Kongsfjord and Isfjord (inland area of Longyearbyen) region 50 lichen species are recorded mainly for the first time. Twenty of them are new records for the Spitsbergen archipelago. EndNote Read more... 

Huneck S. & Poelt J. (1977): Beitrag zur Flechtenflora von Tadshikistan - Herzogia, 4: 403-407

ČNH EndNote Read more... 

Klee R., Steubing L. (1977): Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des Atranorins in Flechtenthalli - Herzogia, 4: 357-362

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Mathey A., Leuckert C. (1977): Die Inhaltstoffe von Lecanora cerebellina Poelt (Lichenes, Lecanoraceae) - Herzogia, 4: 351-355

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Page 3615 of 3674 Results 36141 - 36150 of 36739