Page 3612 of 3703 Results 36111 - 36120 of 37029
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Servít M. (1939): Lichenum sectionis Verrucaria sphinctrina revisio critica - Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt, Abt. B, Dresden, 59: 113–168

B20, B21 EndNote Read more... 

Servít M. (1952): Nové a málo známé druhy z čeledí Verrucariaceae a Dermatocarpaceae - Preslia, 24: 345-390

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Servít M. (1949): Species novae lichenum generis Verrucaria et Thelidium - Hungarica Acta Biologica, Vol.1 no. 5-6: 240-247

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Servít M. (1949): Nové nebo méně známé druhy lišejníkové čeledi Verrucariaceae. Species Verrucariacearum (Lichenes) novae vel minus cognitae - Sborník Národního Musea v Praze, 5 B/9: 1-51

Verrucaria alani sp. nov. (Croatia); V. anemoides sp. nov. (Czech Republic); V. asperula sp. nov. (Germany); V. barrandei sp. nov. (Czech Republic); V. bisagnoensis sp. nov. (Italy); V. boccana sp. nov. (Montenegro); V. buellioides nom. nov. (for V. mauroides Körb.) (Germany); V. cinereolimitata sp. nov. (Germany); V. corticola sp. vel comb. nov. (Germany); V. deminuta sp. vel comb. nov. (Czech Republic); V. echinocarpa sp. nov. (Germany); V. ferratensis sp. nov. (France); V. fuscoatroides sp. nov. … EndNote Read more... 

Servít M. (1948): Species novae generis lichenum Verrucaria - Věst. Král. Česk. Spol. Nauk, 1947/10: 1-20

F08, F09 EndNote Read more... 

Spier L. & Van Herk C. M. (1997): Recent increase of Parmelia borreri in the Netherlands - Lichenologist, 29(4): 390-393

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Puntillo D. & Ottonello D. (1997): A new foliicolous lichens station from Italy - Lichenologist, 29(4): 388-390

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McCarthy P. M. & Johnson P. N. (1997): Verrucaria amnica, a new aquatic lichen species from New Zealand - Lichenologist, 29(4): 385-388

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Hestmark G. (1997): Growth from the centre in an umbilicate lichen - Lichenologist, 29(4): 379-383

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Hammer S. (1997): Vegetative establishment and expansion by the mycobiont of Cladina subtenuis - Lichenologist, 29(4): 369-377

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Page 3612 of 3703 Results 36111 - 36120 of 37029