Page 3600 of 3717 Results 35991 - 36000 of 37163
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Lackovičová A., Martiny E., Pišút I. & Streško V. (1994): Element content of the lichen Hypogymnia physodes and Spruce needles in the industrial area of Rudňany and Krompachy (NE Slovakia), Ekológia (Bratislava), 13(4): 415-423

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Lackovičová A. (1995): RNDr. I. Pišút, CSc., sexagenarian, Biológia, 50(4): 445-448

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Pišůt I. & Lackovičová A. (1991): Flechtenindikation im Gebiet von Bratislava (S. W. Slowakei), VDI Berichte, 901: 133-142

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Guttová A. (2003): Lišajníky a machorasty v rukopisoch Gustáva Maurícia Reussa, Bull. Slov. Bot. Spoločn., Bratislava, , 25: 31-37

Two manuscripts on flora of the vicinity of the town Revúca by devoted Slovak polymath Gustáv Maurícius Reuss (1818–1861) are presented and evaluated from lichenological and bryological viewpoint. They comprise 17 lichens, 3 of which are currently red-listed: Anaptychia ciliaris (CR), Evernia prunastri (EN), Brodoa atrofusca (VU). 2 unique vernacular names for Cetraria islandica are commented. 39 mosses and 7 liverworts are mentioned, 3 of which are currently vulnerable: Acaulon muticum, … EN Read more... 

Smith A.L. (1922): Lichens. - In: A systematic account of the plants collected in New Caledonia and the Isle of Pines by Mr. R. H. Compton, M.A., in 1914.—Part III. Cryptogams (Hepaticæ—Fungi), Journal of the Linnean Society, Botany (London), 46: 71-87

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Kristinsson H. (1990): Lichen mapping in Iceland, Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Ser. A, 456: 11-15

Icerand, mapping. EN Read more... 

Lisická E. & Lackovičová A. (1998): On lichens in Slovakia, Sauteria, 9: 297-302

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Lisická E. & Kautmanová I. (1998): Nové lokality Actidium hysterioides na Slovensku, v Českej republike a v Rakúsku, Spravodajca slovenských mykológov, 20: 1-36

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Paclová L. & Lisická E. (1998): Flóra a vegetácia Vežičky v Sedle nad Červeným žlabom vo Vysokých Tatrách, Bull. Slov. Spoločn., Bratislava, 20: 130-133

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Lisická E. (1998): Nové lichenizované a lichenikolné huby Tatranského národného parku, Bull. Slov. Spoločn., Bratislava, 20: 34-37

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Page 3600 of 3717 Results 35991 - 36000 of 37163