Berger F., Priemetzhofer F. & Türk R.
Neue und seltene Flechten und lichenicole Pilze aus Oberösterreich, Österreich IV,
Beitr. Naturk. Oberösterreichs,
6: 397-416
Several taxa of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi are reported as new
for the flora of Upper-Austria (Austria): Phaeophyscia rubropulchra was found in the
Danube valley the first time in Europe. New records for Austria are Bacidia salevensis,
Cornutispora ciliata, Cresphorhaphis pinicola, Epigloea fitifera, Lepraria umbricola,
Pelligera hymenina, Verrucaria maculiformis and Vezdaea leprosa. New for Upper-
Austria are: Arthonia molendoi, Arthopyrenia persoonii, Biatora chrysanlha, Biatora
ocelli/ormis, …