Page 3568 of 3773 Results 35671 - 35680 of 37722
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Almborn O. (1935): Nya svenska lokaler för Parmelia laciniatula (Flag.) Zahlbr., Botaniska Notiser, 464-471

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Almborn O. (1939): Lichenological notes I, Botaniska Notiser, 1939: 773-780

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Sigal L.L. & Nash T.H. III (1983): Lichen communities on conifers in southern California mountains: an ecological survey relative to oxidant air pollution, Ecology, 64(6): 1343-1354

In comparison with collections from the early 1900's when oxidant air pollution was essentially absent, 50% fewer lichen species were found on conifers during 3 yr (1976-1979) of col- lecting and sampling in the mountains of Southern California. Among the five mountain ranges studied, the San Bernardino Mountains, the region with the highest oxidant levels, had lower lichen frequency and cover values. Within the San Bernardino study sites, lichen cover was inversely related to estimated oxidant doses. … EN Read more... 

Rundel P.W. (1982): The role of morphology in the water relations of desert lichens, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 53: 315-320

The traditional view of the role of morphology in the water relations of lichens has been that the lichen thallus is purely passive with respect to water uptake and loss (Blum 1973). While water uptake and loss are certainly physical processes (Harris 1976), an overreliance on this view ignores the important significance of thallus mor phology and anatomy in controlling water relations. In the long term response, it is certainly true that lichen thalli of any morphology will come into equilibrium … EN Read more... 

Bachmann E. (1925): Die Goniocysten der Flechtengattung Moriola Norm., Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 43(5): 224-229

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Rogers R.W. (1982): Lichens of arid Australia, Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory, 53: 351-355

The Australian continent is dominated by land which can be described as desert or semi-desert. Between latitudes 20° S and 33° S only the narrow strip of the eastern highlands and the extreme south-west are adequately watered. The south and east of the continent receive appreciable rains in the winter, whereas the north and east receive their rains in the summer, the remainder receives no appreciable seasonal rainfall (see Fig. la). Although there is some dry sub-alpine land in south-eastern Australia, … EN Read more... 

Bayer E. (1922): K lichenologickému výzkumu Čech, Věda přírodní, 3: 89-92, 173-176 & 204-207

History of lichenological exploration in Bohemia EN PDF Read more... 

Grummann V.J. (1931): Lichenologische Berichte I., Feddes Repertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis, 29: 310-320

among else Umbilicaria corrugata collected in Gient Mountains (Riesengebirge/Krkonoše/Karkonosze) by the author; also a note ordinarily saxicolous species (Umbilicaria, Rhizocarpon) growing as epiphytes EN PDF Read more... 

Bernard A. J. (1887): Klíč k určování lišejníků rosolovitých, křovitých i lupenitých okolí Táborského, Výr. Zpráva C.K. Real. Gymn. V Táboře, 25 p.

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Foriss F. (1934): Lichenes in tractu Tarcsafürdö környekenek zuzmoi, Acta Biologica Szeged, 3(1-2): 93-121

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Page 3568 of 3773 Results 35671 - 35680 of 37722