Aptroot A
Pyrenocarpous lichens and related non-lichenized ascomycetes from Taiwan,
Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory,
93: 155-173
101 species of pyrenocarpous lichens and related ascomycetes from Taiwan are report ed. All but five are new to Taiwan. The following species are new to science: Epigloea sparrii, Navi cella diabola and Pyrenula laii. Several represent considerable range extensions: Lithoihelium submu- riforme, Placidiopsis hypothallina, Polymeridium campylothelioides, Porina papuensis, P. ulceratula, Staurothele pallidopora, Strigula muriformis, Verrucaria aucklandica and V. phaeoderma are all new to the Northern …