Page 3538 of 3717 Results 35371 - 35380 of 37163
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
van den Boom P.P.G. & Zedda L. (2000): Lecania sipmanii, a new epiphytic lichen species from Syria, Willdenowia, 30: 155-160

Lecania sipmanii (Lecanorales, Bacidiaceae), an epiphytic lichen from Syria is described as a species new to science and illustrated. The new species belongs to the L. polycycla group and is mainly characterized by a small, areolate thallus, spores strongly constricted at the septum, paraplectenchymatic excipulum cells and hairs in the thalline margin of the apothecia. It was collected on dust-impregnated bark of Salix and Populus species. EN Read more... 

Nelson P.R., McCune B., Wheeler T., Geiser L.H. & Crisafulli C.M. (2018): Nelson P.R., McCune B., Wheeler T., Geiser L.H. & Crisafulli C.M. (2018): Lichen community development along a volcanic disturbance gradient at Mount St. Helens, In: Crisafulli C.M. & Dale V.H. (eds), Ecological responses at Mount St. Helens: Revisited 35 years after the 1980 Eruption, p. 185–198, Springer, New York, NY

Book chapter; Keywords: Volcanic disturbance; Lichen; Fungi; Algae; Community composition; Succession; Colonization; Survival; Mount St. Helens; Disturbance gradient EN Read more... 

Ekman S. (1996): The corticolous and lignicolous species of Bacidia and Bacidina in North America, Opera Botanica, 127: 1-148

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Vodák V. (): Užitečné horniny na Novoměstsku, Nové Město n. M. a jeho kraj, 133-141

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Clerc P. & Diederich P. (1991): Usnea wirthii Clerc new to north America and the British Isles, Lichenologist, 23(4): 405-407

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Tehler A. et. al. (1991): Roccellina exspectata Tehler, a new southern australian-New Zealand lichen connection, Lichenologist, 23(4): 403-405

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Henderson A. (1991): Literature on air pollution and lichens 34, Lichenologist, 23(4): 393-401

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Hansen E. S. (1991): The lichen flora near a lead-zinc mine at Maarmorilik in west Greenland, Lichenologist, 23(4): 381-391

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Hestmark G. (1991): Teleomorph-anamorph relationships in Umbilicaria 2. Patterns in propagative morph production, Lichenologist, 23(4): 361-380

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Hestmark G. (1991): Teleomorph-anamorph relationships in Umbilicaria 1. Making the connections, Lichenologist, 23(4): 343-359

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Page 3538 of 3717 Results 35371 - 35380 of 37163