Page 3536 of 3770 Results 35351 - 35360 of 37696
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Mattick F. (1936): Josef Anders, Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 54: 92-99

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Gueidan C., Roux C & Lutzoni F. (2007): Using a multigene phylogenetic analysis to assess generic delineation and character evolution in Verrucariaceae (Verrucariales, Ascomycota), Mycol. Res., 111: 1145-1168

Verrucariaceae are a family of mostly crustose lichenized ascomycetes colonizing various habitats ranging from marine and fresh water to arid environments. Phylogenetic relationships among members of the Verrucariaceae are mostly unknown and the current morphology- based classification has never been confronted to molecular data. A multilocus phylogeny (nuLSU, nuSSU and RPB1) was reconstructed for 83 taxa representing all main genera of this family to provide a molecular phylogenetic framework necessary … EN Read more... 

Savić S. (2007): Phylogeny and taxonomy of Polyblastia and allied taxa (Verrucariaceae), Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 33 p

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Redinger K. (1936): Die Graphidineen der Sunda-Inseln, Rev. Bryol. Lichénol., 9: 37-122

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Branco L. H. Z. et al. (2006): The cyanobacterial genus Cyanoarbor Wang (Chroococcales, Entophysalidaceae) and its occurrence in Brazil, Nova Hedwigia, 82(3-4): 365-380

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Fletcher A. (2007): Review: Biotic Soil Crust Lichens of the Columbia Basin. By B. McCune and R. Rosentreter. 2007. (Monographs in North American Lichenology 1: 1–105), Lichenologist, 39(5): 496-497

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Fletcher A. (2007): Review: Keys to the lichens of Italy. I Terricolous species. By P. L. Nimis and S. Martellos 2004. [Le guide di Dryades 1—Serie Licheni I (L-I)]. Trieste: Edizioni Goliardiche. Pp 341, numerous maps, full colour covers, 240×170 mm. ISBN 88-88171-73-8, Lichenologist, 39(5): 495-496

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Nybakken L. & Gauslaa Y. (2007): Difference in secondary compounds and chlorophylls between fibrils and main stems in the lichen Usnea longissima suggests different functional roles, Lichenologist, 39(5): 491-494

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Bergamini A.,Stofer S.,Bolliger J. & Scheidegger C. (2007): Evaluating macrolichens and environmental variables as predictors of the diversity of epiphytic microlichens, Lichenologist, 39(5): 475-490

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Flakus A. & Kukwa M. (2007): New species and records of Lepraria (Stereocaulaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) from South America, Lichenologist, 39(5): 463-474

New records of 15 Lepraria species from South America are presented. Two species are newly described from the Bolivian Andes: Lepraria achariana Flakus & Kukwa (major compounds: lecanoric, angardianic/roccellic acids and anthraquinones) and L. neojackii Flakus & Kukwa (major compounds: porphyrilic, angardianic/roccellic, cf. rangiformic acids and anthraquinone). Lepraria impossibilis, L. lecanorica and L. rigidula are reported as new for the Southern Hemisphere, L. alpina, L. aff. caesiella and L. … EN Read more... 

Page 3536 of 3770 Results 35351 - 35360 of 37696