Brackel W. v.
Weitere Funde von flechtenbewohnenden Pilzen in Bayern – Beitrag zu einer Checkliste VIII,
Archive for Lichenology,
35: 1–22
A list of 68 lichenicolous fungi recently found in Bavaria is presented. The new species
Endococcus montanus Brackel, Muellerella rhizocarpicola Brackel and Sphaerellothecium
umbilicariae Brackel & E. Zimm. are described. New to Germany are Biatoropsis minuta, B. usnearum
s. str., Epibryon conductrix, Muellerella polyspora, Tremella parietinae and Zyzygomyces aipoliae, new
to Bavaria are Endococcus macrosporus, E. stigma s. str., Llimoniella groenlandiae, Nectriopsis
cariosae and Trimmatostroma …