Page 3627 of 3751 Results 36261 - 36270 of 37507
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
van den Boom P., Etayo J. & López de Silanes M.E. (2023): Notes on lichenicolous Micarea species in Spain and Macaronesia, with the descriptions of two new species, Nova Acta Científica Compostelana, 30: 1–7

Six species of Micarea, growing lichenicolous are treated. They are mainly collected in Macaronesia or Spain. Two species, Micarea amplissima and M. parasitica are described as new to science. Notes on the occurring of lichenicolous Micarea: M. kemmleri, M. peliocarpa, M. synotheoides and M. usneae are provided. Keywords: new species; Micarea amplissima; M. parasitica; southern Europe; taxonomy. URL EN Read more... 

Dart J., Knudsen K., Hodková E. & Maliček J. (2023): Acarospora brattiae: Current assessment of a rare western North American taxon, Bulletin of the California Lichen Society, 29(2): 30–34

New records of Acarospora brattiae with updated species description, substrate preference, distribution, GenBank numbers and chemistry. EN Read more... 

Manassov N., Samy M.N., Datkhayev U., Avula B., Adams S.J., Katragunta K., Raman V., Khan I.A. & Ross S.A. (2023): Ultrastructural, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, chemical study and LC-DAD-QToF chemical characterization of Cetraria islandica (L.) Ach. , Molecules, 28(11): 4493 [19 p.]

The lichen Cetraria islandica (L.) Ach. has been used in traditional and modern medicines for its many biological properties such as immunological, immunomodulating, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory activities. This species is gaining popularity in the market, with interest from many industries for selling as medicines, dietary supplements, and daily herbal drinks. This study profiled the morpho-anatomical features by light, fluorescence, and scanning electron microscopy; conducted … URL EN Read more... 

Rojas-Gatjens D., Avey-Arroyo J., Chaverri P., Rojas-Jimenez K. & Chavarria M. (2023): Differences in fungal communities in the fur of two- and three-toed sloths revealed by ITS metabarcoding, Microbiology-SGM, 169(2): 001309

Sloths have dense fur on which insects, algae, bacteria and fungi coexist. Previous studies using cultivation-dependent methods and 18S rRNA sequencing revealed that the fungal communities in their furs comprise members of the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota. In this note, we increase the resolution and knowledge of the mycobiome inhabiting the fur of the two- (Choloe-pus hoffmanni) and three -toed (Bradypus variegatus) sloths. Targeted amplicon metagenomic analysis of ITS2 nrDNA sequences obtained … URL EN Read more... 

Shivarov V.V. (2023): First Record of the Genus Strangospora (Strangosporaceae, Ascomycota) from Bulgaria, Comptes Rendus de l Academie Bulgare des Sciences, (3):424-428

The first Bulgarian record of the lichenized fungus Strangospora mori -formis is reported. Description, comments, and illustrations based on Bulgarian specimen are provided. Lecanora pulicaris, L. subintricata, and Mycocalicium subtile were found growing together with S. moriformis and are reported for the first time from the Balkan Range. Bulgaria, coniferous wood, lignicolous lichens, old forests, FUNGI URL EN Read more... 

Simijaca D., Perez-Perez R.E., Escoto-Moreno J. & Ocampo G. (2023): Multiple new records of lichenized fungi for Aguascalientes, with the assessment of the conservation status of two endemic species of Mexico, Botanical Sciences, (2):544-559

Background: Lichen diversity in the Mexican state of Aguascalientes has historically been neglected. Lichen species in all vegetation types, except for the arid zones, remain underexplored.Hypotheses: Lichenized fungi richness reported for Aguascalientes will increase due to exploration and collecting activities in vegetation types other than xerophilous scrubs. This will allow finding species of interest for conservation purposes, including Mexican endemics and/or threatened taxa.Data description: … URL EN Read more... 

Tomovic G., Sabovljevic M.S., Assyov B., Kutnar L., Boycheva P., Ivanov D., Papp B., Pantovic J., Sabovljevic A. D., Sabanovic E., Jovanovic F., Sovran S., Knezevic A., Aleksic G.R., Niketic M., Shivarov V.V., Yaneva G., Stefanut S., Birsan C. C., Szelg Z., Djordjevic V., Kabas E., Dudas M. & Kolarcik V. (2023): New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 12, Botanica Serbica, (1):173-182

This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Eu-rope and adjacent regions: red algae Hildenbrandia rivularis, saprotrophic fungus Cryp-tomarasmius corbariensis, lichenised fungi Lecanora stenotropa, Micarea misella and Sticta sylvatica, liverworts Fossombronia caespitiformis and Peltolepis quadrata, mosses Dicranoweisia cirrata and Fissidens exilis, horsetail Equisetum x moorei, gymnosperm Juniperus virginiana, monocots Galanthus reginae-olgae subsp. vernalis and … URL EN Read more... 

原田 浩 [Harada H.] (2023): 日本地衣類誌 (9). Psoroglaena cubensis ムキミゴケ [Lichen flora of Japan (9). Psoroglaena cubensis], Lichenology, 21(1): 19‒24

[in Japanese] Verrucariales; Psoroglaena cubensis compared to other species of Psoroglaena as well as of Agonimia; habitual and microscopic photographs amended with English explanations EN Read more... 

Selva S.B., Tibell L., Gordon M. & McMullin R.T. (2023): Calicium sperlingiae, (Caliciaceae), a new species of calicioid lichen from Douglas County, Oregon, U.S.A., Bryologist, 126(2): 236–241

Calicium sperlingiae is described as new from Oregon, U.S.A. It was collected on the bark of Pseudotsuga menziesii on lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management, United States Department of the Interior. It is placed in Calicium based on morphology (stalked apothecia with black mazaedia and brown 2-celled, ellipsoidal ascospores) and molecular data. Phylogenetic relationships are inferred using the ITS region. The species is characterized by its superficial and well-developed, grayish-white, … URL EN Read more... 

Manzitto-Tripp E.A., Raynor S.J. & Anderson Stewart C.R. (2023): Diversity of lichens in northern Alabama yields evidence of an exceptionally diverse biota, Southeastern Naturalist, 22(2): 170–191

Our recent fieldwork to collect lichens in northern Alabama, with an emphasis on the terminus of the southern Appalachian Mountains, illuminated previously undocumented lichen species in this region of exceptional biodiversity. Numerous new and significant records are presented, including species disjunct both from more northerly latitudes as well as subtropical southerly latitudes: Dibaeis sorediata, Lobaria pulmonaria, Ricasolia quercizans, and the extremely rare Rinodina chrysomeleana. Despite … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3627 of 3751 Results 36261 - 36270 of 37507