Page 3626 of 3772 Results 36251 - 36260 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Yañez O., Osorio M.I., Osorio E., Tiznado W., Ruíz L., García C., Nagles O., Simirgiotis M.J., Castañeta G., Areche C. & García-Beltrán O. (2023): Antioxidant activity and enzymatic of lichen substances: A study based on cyclic voltammetry and theoretical, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 372: 110357 [10 p.]

The antioxidant activity of nine lichen substances, including methylatrarate (1), methyl haematommate (2), lobaric acid (3), fumarprotocetraric acid (4), sphaerophorin (5), subsphaeric acid (6), diffractaic acid (7), barbatolic acid (8) and salazinic acid (9) has been determined through cyclic voltammetry. The compounds 1–4 presented slopes close to the Nernst constant of 0.059 V, indicating a 2H+/2e− relation between protons and electrons, as long as the compounds 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 present slopes … URL EN Read more... 

Ansari B.K., Shukla A.K., Upreti D.K. & Bajpai R. (2023): Accumulation of cadmium in transplanted lichen Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl., with reference to physiochemical variation and kinetics of cadmium biosorption, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 110: 67 [8 p.]

The present study aims to signify the role of Pyxine cocoes (Sw.) Nyl. (P. cocoes) as cadmium (Cd) biomonitor in atmosphere. This was achieved by quantifying the amount of Cd accumulated in transplanted P. cocoes, when stimulated with known concentrations of Cd (5µM, 50µM, 100µM, 150µM and 200µM) at increasing intervals of time up-to 40 days. All the five concentrations exhibited increasing trend of accumulation with time. As depicted by Pearson’s Correlation (at prker parameters … URL EN Read more... 

Banerjee S., Ram S.S., Mukhopadhyay A., Jana N., Sudarshan M. & Chakraborty A. (2023): Potential of epiphytic lichen Pyxine cocoes, as an indicator of air pollution in Kolkata, India, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Sect. B Biological Sciences, 93(1): 165–180

The accumulation of trace elements in the thalli of epiphytic lichens can reveal levels of trace elements in the ambient air. This study assessed the trace elements in lichen species Pyxine cocoes found in the urban and periurban areas of Kolkata. Trace elemental analysis was carried out using energy-dispersive X-ray fuorescence and protoninduced X-ray emission spectroscopy. Variable levels of elements like Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, V and Pb, are detected in the thalli of P. cocoes collected … URL EN Read more... 

Diaz V. & Manzitto-Tripp E. (2023): A synopsis of the yellow-green, usnic acid-producing, species of Xanthoparmelia in Colorado, Opuscula Philolichenum, 22: 1-40

The genus Xanthoparmelia belongs to one of the largest and most species-rich foliose lichen families - Parmeliaceae. It occurs primarily in arid regions around the world. In the United States, Xanthoparmelia is extremely abundant in the southern Rocky Mountains and adjacent high plains of Colorado, where species play significant ecological roles. The present study emphasizes the examination of type material, protologues, study of new field collections as well as existing herbarium material, data … URL EN Read more... 

Knudsen K., Wheeler T., Hodková E. & Kocourková J. (2023): The annotated lichen checklist of San Nicolas Island, California, U.S.A., Archive for Lichenology, 33: 1-47

136 lichens are reported from San Nicolas Island. Sequences for Niebla ramosissima and Aspicilia aurantiaca are published. Calciphytes, endemic species, island diversity, soil crusts, rare species URL EN Read more... 

Llewellyn T., Nowell R., Aptroot A., Temina M., Prescott T., Barraclough T. & Gaya E. (2023): Metagenomics Shines Light on the Evolution of "Sunscreen" Pigment Metabolism in the Teloschistales (Lichen-Forming Ascomycota), Genome Biology and Evolution, 15(2): 1-19

Fungi produce a vast number of secondary metabolites that shape their interactions with other organisms and the environment. Characterizing the genes underpinning metabolite synthesis is therefore key to understanding fungal evolution and adaptation. Lichenized fungi represent almost one-third of Ascomycota diversity and boast impressive secondary metabolites repertoires. However, most lichen biosynthetic genes have not been linked to their metabolite products. Here we used metagenomic sequencing … URL EN Read more... 

Westberg M., Hammarström O., Isaksson R., Johansson P., Thor G., Vicente R. & Svensson M. (2023): Additions to the flora of lichenicolous fungi of Sweden, Graphis Scripta, 35(1): 4-13

15 lichenicolous fungi are reported as new to Sweden: Abrothallus halei, A. puntilloi, Arthonia japewiae, A. parietinaria, Buelliella lecanorae, Lecidella parasitica, Opegrapha lamyi, O. pertusariicola, Parmeliicida pandemica, Rosellinula frustulosae, Sclerococcum microsporum, Stigmidium acetabuli, S. hageniae, S. humidum and Xenonectriella physciacearum. Eight of these are also new to Fennoscandia. URL EN Read more... 

Erlandsson R., Arneberg M.K., Tømmervik H., Finne E.A., Nilsen L. & Bjerke J.W. (2023): Feasibility of active handheld NDVI sensors for monitoring lichen ground cover , Fungal Ecology, 63: 101233 [9 p.]

Vegetation indices are corner stones in vegetation monitoring. However, previous field studies on lichens and NDVI have been based on passive sensors. Active handheld sensors, with their own light sources, enables high-precision monitoring under variable ambient conditions. We investigated the use of handheld sensor NDVI for monitoring pale lichen cover across three study sites from boreal heathlands to High Arctic tundra (62–79 °N), and compared it with Sentinel-2 satellite NDVI. NDVI decreased … URL EN Read more... 

Khakhar A. (2023): A roadmap for the creation of synthetic lichen, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications , 654: 87–93

Lichens represent a charismatic corner of biology that has a rich history of scientific exploration, but to which modern biological techniques have been sparsely applied. This has limited our understanding of phenomena unique to lichen, such as the emergent development of physically coupled microbial consortia or distributed metabolisms. The experimental intractability of natural lichens has prevented studies of the mechanistic underpinnings of their biology. Creating synthetic lichen from experimentally … URL EN Read more... 

Hekkala A.-M., Jönsson M., Kärvemo S., Strengbom J. & Sjögren J. (2023): Habitat heterogeneity is a good predictor of boreal forest biodiversity, Ecological Indicators, 148: 110069 [14 p.]

Reliable assessment measures are crucial for tracking changes in biodiversity and for evaluating the state of biodiversity. Two of the main drivers of biodiversity are habitat heterogeneity and resource amount. These drivers are used as proxies of biodiversity but assessing both is costly, limiting their practical use. To test which of the drivers best predicts the number and abundance of sessile species of conservation concern (including macrofungi, lichens, bryophytes, and vascular plants), … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3626 of 3772 Results 36251 - 36260 of 37716