Yañez O., Osorio M.I., Osorio E., Tiznado W., Ruíz L., García C., Nagles O., Simirgiotis M.J., Castañeta G., Areche C. & García-Beltrán O.
Antioxidant activity and enzymatic of lichen substances: A study based on cyclic voltammetry and theoretical,
Chemico-Biological Interactions,
372: 110357 [10 p.]
The antioxidant activity of nine lichen substances, including methylatrarate (1), methyl haematommate (2), lobaric acid (3), fumarprotocetraric acid (4), sphaerophorin (5), subsphaeric acid (6), diffractaic acid (7), barbatolic acid (8) and salazinic acid (9) has been determined through cyclic voltammetry. The compounds 1–4 presented slopes close to the Nernst constant of 0.059 V, indicating a 2H+/2e− relation between protons and electrons, as long as the compounds 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 present slopes …