Fernández-Costas D. & García-Molares A.
Some interesting lichens for the Iberian Peninsula -
Botanica Complutensis,
47: e85069 [8 p.]
The presence of 25 species was reported during a survey carried out in the municipality of O Rosal (Pontevedra, NW Spain). Among them, Arthonia anglica and A. ligniaria are new records for the Iberian Peninsula, while Rinodina colobinoides and Usnea erinacea are new records for Spain. In addition, Agonimia opuntiella, Cliostomum griffithii, Coppinsiella ulcerosa, Lecanora barkmaniana, Micarea synotheoides, Physcia vitii, Reichlingia zwackhii, Rinodina biloculata, R. excrecens, R. conradii and R. …