Page 3572 of 3754 Results 35711 - 35720 of 37540
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Şenol Z.M. (2022): Effective biosorption of Allura red dye from aqueous solutions by the dried-lichen (Pseudoevernia furfuracea) biomass, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 102(16): 4550–4564

Allura red (AR), which is known as the monoazo class of synthetic food colourant(E129) has been widely used in food industries. Due to the potential toxicity of azo dyes and pathogenicity, the removal of AR from industrial wastewaters is very important environmentally. So, this article aims to investigate the biosorption process of AR by lichen (Pseudoevernia furfuracea) from aqueous solutions. Batch biosorption conditions of AR food dye onto lichen biosorbent as initial AR concentration, … URL EN Read more... 

Eyupoglu C., Eyupoglu S. & Merdan N. (2022): Investigation of dyeing properties of mohair fiber dyed with natural dyes obtained from Candelariella reflexa, Journal of Natural Fibers, 19(16): 12829–12848

The current study reports on using ascorbic acid as a possible substitute for improving fastness properties of natural dyes. In the mordanting process, microwave energy, which is a part of the sustainable and ecological production approach, was used. Renewable natural dye source Candelariella reflexa, which is a genus of lichen, was obtained from the trunk of Pinus nigra. Mohair fiber was dyed with natural dye extracted from Candelariella reflexa by using a conventional method. Before dyeing, … URL EN Read more... 

Lovitt J., Richardson G., Rajaratnam K., Chen W., Leblanc S.G., He L., Nielsen S.E., Hillman A., Schmelzer I. & Arsenault A. (2022): A new U-net based Convolutional Neural Network for estimating caribou lichen ground cover from field-level RGB images, Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 48(6): 849–872

High-quality ground-truth data are critical for developing reliable Earth Observation (EO) based geospatial products. Conventional methods of collecting these data are either subject to an unknown amount of human error and bias or require extended time in the field to complete (i.e., point-intercept assessments). Digital photograph classification (DPC) may address these drawbacks. In this study, we first assess the performance of a DPC method developed through licensed software to estimate ground … URL EN Read more... 

Ciężka M.M., Górka M., Trzyna A., Modelska M., Łubek A. & Widory D. (2022): The multi-isotope biogeochemistry (S, C, N and Pb) of Hypogymnia physodes lichens: air quality approach in the Świętokrzyski National Park, Poland, Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 58: 340–362

The isotope biogeochemistry of bioindicators has widely demonstrated its added value in environmental issues by allowing to precisely identify sources of contamination. Most of the studies are based on studying one or two isotope systematics. Here, we are presenting an innovative multi-proxy approach that combines chemistry with both stable (C, S, N) and radiogenic (Pb) isotope systematics. Using Hypogymnia physodes bioindicators, we evaluated air quality in the complex environment of the … URL EN Read more... 

Do T.-H., Nguyen T.-T., Dao T.-B.-N., Vo H.-C., Huynh B.-L.-C., Nguyen T.-A.-T., Mai D.-T., Vo T.-P.-G., Sichaem J., Nguyen N.-H. & Duong T.-H. (2022): A new diphenyl ether from Parmotrema indicum Hale growing in Vietnam, Natural Product Research, 36(19): 4879–4885

Chemical investigation of the lichen Parmotrema indicum Hale led to the isolation of one new diphenyl ether, parmetherine D (1), along with eight known compounds (2-9). The structures were determined by analysis of MS and NMR data and by comparison with the literature. Compounds 1, 2, and 7 were evaluated for a-glucosidase inhibition. Only compound 1 exhibited significant inhibition. URL EN Read more... 

Topal M., Topal E.I.A., Öbek E. & Aslan A. (2022): Potential human health risks of toxic/harmful elements by consumption of Pseudevernia furfuracea, International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 32(9): 1889–1896

The potential human health risks of some toxic/harmful elements related to the consumption of Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf. were investigated. The toxic/harmful elements (cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), and zinc (Zn)) were determined in P. furfuracea. According to the analysis result, the maximum (max.) toxic/harmful element value was 62 ± 3.1 mg/kg for Mn and minimum (min.) value was 0.19 ± 0.01 mg/kg for Cd. The estimated daily exposure … URL EN Read more... 

Heiner M., Grimm T., Smith H., Leavitt S.D., Christensen W.F., Carling G.T. & St. Clair L.L. (2022): Multivariate receptor modeling with widely dispersed Lichens as bioindicators of air quality, Environmetrics, 2022: e2785 [21 p.]

Biomonitoring studies evaluating air quality via airborne element accumulation patterns in lichens typically control variability by focusing on narrow geographic regions and short time windows. Using samples of the widespread “rock-posy” lichen sampled across the Intermountain Region of the United States, we investigate whether accumulation patterns of generic pollution sources are detectable on broad geographic and temporal scales. We develop a novel Bayesian multivariate receptor modeling (BMRM) … URL EN Read more... 

Šoun J. (2022): Lišejníky přírodní rezervace Zvoníčkovna, Erica, 29: 3–14

A lichen inventory of the Zvoníčkovna Nature Reserve in the southern part of the Rokycany region (Western Bohemia, Czech Republic) is presented. The reserve includes a meadow enclave surrounded by a mixed forest on the site of a deserted medieval vil- lage with several springs. The forest part of the reserve is represented mainly by a well- preserved oak-hornbeam forest with many old oaks. A total of 116 lichens and 8 non- lichenized fungi were recorded. A major part was represented by epiphytic … EN Read more... 

Šoun J., Bouda F., Peksa O. & Uhlík P. (2022): Zajímavé nálezy lišejníků ze západních Čech I, Erica, 29: 15–38

We present here interesting records of 65 lichen taxa from Western Bohemia (incl. Pilsen and the Karlovy Vary Region). Candelariella boleana is presented here as a new species for the Czech Republic, the finding of Carbonicola anthracophila represents the second country record for this taxon. EN Read more... 

Khodosovtsev A., Darmostuk V., Prylutskyi O. & Kuzemko A. (2022): Silicicolous lichen communities of the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield, Applied Vegetation Science, 25: e12699 [20 p.]

Questions: How many different silicicolous lichen syntaxa occur on the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield and what ecological factors are influencing their distribution? Location: Ukrainian Crystalline Shield, Steppe and Forest–Steppe zones, Ukraine. Methods: The field research was performed during 2013–2020. Analysis was done with the JUICE software using agglomerative hierarchical cluster analysis in the integrated PC-Ord with data transformation, pseudospecies cut levels 0–5– 25, distance measure … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3572 of 3754 Results 35711 - 35720 of 37540