Page 3539 of 3674 Results 35381 - 35390 of 36734
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Zontikov D.N., Malakhova K.V. & Sergeev R.V. (2022): The use of tissue culture method for the study of lichenized fungi (Lobariaceae Chevall., Parmeliaceae Zenker.) of the European part of Russia - Turczaninowia, 3: 177–188

Lichenized fungi as a multicomponent biological system are an interesting but difficult research object. In view of the complex interaction of the myco- and photobiont, the slow growth of natural thalli, their exceptional exactingness to environmental factors, the study of the biological characteristics of lichens is significantly difficult. This article discusses the problem of studying the anatomical and morphological structure of the myco- and photobiont of lichenized fungi using the tissue … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Макрый Т.В. & Скирина И.Ф. [Makryi T.V. & Skirina I.F.] (2022): Lathagrium latzelii (Collemataceae) – новый для России вид лишайника с юга Дальнего Востока [Lathagrium latzelii (Collemataceae) – a new lichen record to Russia from the south of Far East] - Turczaninowia, 3: 217–220

[in Russian with English summary: ] The description and location of the new to Russia lichen record Lathagrium latzelii collected in the Jewish Autonomous Region on the Sutar Range are given in the article. The ecology of this rare species is discussed, as well as the peculiarities of its range, which consists of two isolated areas, the Atlantic coastal region and the Pacific coastal region. L. latzelii is compared with L. fuscovirens and Collema flaccidum, which the species may be confused … URL EndNote Read more... 

Roux C., Bertrand M., Poumarat S. & Uriac P. (2022): Quelques espèces nouvelles saxicoles–calcifuges de Lecanora du groupe polytropa (Ascomycota, Lecanoraceae) découvertes en France - Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence, 73: 79–120

[in French with Esperanto and English abstracts] Detailed description of five species novae and one species newly found in France, saxicolous–calcifugous, belonging to the Lecanora polytropa group: Lecanora crassiuscula Cl. Roux, Poumarat et M. Bertrand sp. nov., L. crozensis Cl. Roux et S. Poumarat sp. nov., L. hyperpolytropa Cl. Roux et M. Bertrand, L. intricatoides M. Bertrand et Cl. Roux sp. nov., L. polytropopsis Cl. Roux, M. Bertrand et Poumarat sp. nov., L. tolypodes Poelt et Vězda so … EndNote Read more... 

Roux C., Brien Y., Monnat J.-Y. & Gardiennet A. (2022): Muellerella solenopsorae Brien, Cl. Roux et Monnat sp. nov., champignon lichénicole (Ascomycota) sur Solenopsora holophaea - Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence, 73: 37–42

[in French with Esperanto and English abstracts] Description of a new species of non-lichenized lichenicolous fungus, Muellerella solenopsorae Brien, Cl. Roux and Monnat, with 1 – 3 – septate spores, growing on the lichen Solenopsora holophaea which it does not seem to alter. Comparison with other species of the genus Muellerella and with Capronia triseptata. EndNote Read more... 

Roux C., Pinault P. & Ertz D. (2022): Corticifraga ramalinae P. Pinault, Ertz et Cl. Roux sp. nov., champignon lichénicole non lichénisé (Ascomycota, Gomphillaceae) - Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence, 73: 29–35

[in French with Esperanto and English abstracts] Description of the new species Corticifraga ramalinae P. Pinault, Ertz et Cl. Roux sp. nov., close to C. peltigerae, from which it differs by its parasitism on the thallus (rarely the apothecia) of Ramalina fraxinea where it does not induce galls but which its discolors, by its spores (0)3 – septate, a little longer and less wide, mostly 17,5 – 25,5 × 4 – 5 μm, and by its distinct phylogenetic position (its sequence) (sister species of C. fuckelii). … EndNote Read more... 

Roux C. et al. (2022): Additions à la 3e édition du Catalogue des lichens de France (2). Changements nomenclaturaux importants et liste commentée des espèces et taxons infraspécifiques nouvellement trouvés en France (du 2021/09/20 au 2022/09/19) - Bulletin de Association Française de Lichénologie, 47(1): 1–30

[in French with French and Esperanto summaries] Résumé : Mise à jour de la 3e édition du Catalogue des lichens de France dans l’attente de sa 4e édition. Changements nomenclaturaux importants : Acarospora glaucocarpa et A. cervina ; Acarospora impressula s. l. (A. atrata, A. impressula, A. opaca, A. pseudosuzae) ; liste des noms de Caloplaca s. l. attribués à d’autres genres que Caloplaca ; liste des Polysporina s. l. attribués aux genres Acarospora et Sarcogyne ; Lobothallia … EndNote Read more... 

Poumarat S., Roux C. & Daval G. (2022): Zwackhiomyces fuscatus Poumarat, Daval et Cl. Roux sp. nov., champignon lichénicole (Ascomycota, Xanthopyreniaceae) parasite d’Acarospora fuscata - Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence, 73: 43–50

[in French with Esperanto and English abstracts] Description of a new species, Zwackhiomyces fuscatus Poumarat, G. Daval et Cl. Roux, parasite of the lichen Acarospora fuscata of which it bleaches the thallus. Comparison with other species of the genus Zwackhiomyces. Key words : Dothideales, Zwackhiomyces, lichenicolous, Acarospora fuscata, France. EndNote Read more... 

Méric J.-C., Aïtelli M., Bertrand M., Poumarat S. & Roux C. (2022): Lichénologie à l’anse de Figuerolles, La Ciotat (13) : 16 octobre 2021 - Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence, 73: 13–27

[in French] Report on a lichenological excursion with a rich photodocumentation of recorded lichens. EndNote Read more... 

Bertrand M., Gueidan C., Pinault P. & Roux C. (2022): Scytinium imbricatum (P. M. Jørg.) Otálora, P. M. Jørg. & Wedin, a cyanolichen (Collemataceae, Ascomycota) rare in France : current distribution and new molecular data - Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Provence, 73: 53–60

Revision of the ecology and chorology of Scytinium imbricatum in France on the basis of newly discovered stations. New its sequences of the taxon are published, and a phylogenetic study presented. EndNote Read more... 

Нотов А.А., Гимельбрант Д.Е., Степанчикова И.С. & Волков В.П. [Notov A.A., Himelbrant D.E., Stepanchikova I.S. & Volkov V.P.] (2022): Дополнение к лихенофлоре Центрально-Лесного государственного природного биосферного заповедника [Additions to the lichen flora of the Central Forest State Natural Biosphere Reserve] - Вестник Тверского государственного университета. Серия: Биология и экология [Herald of Tver State University. Series: Biology and Ecology], 2022/2(66): 122–132

[in Russian with English summary:] Four species of lichens, four species of fungi and one species of parasitic myxomycete are reported for the first time for the Central Forest State Natural Biosphere Reserve (CFR). Data on localities and habitats are provided for all species; nearest known localities in Tver Region are discussed. Nowadays the list of lichens and allied fungi of the CFR counts 413 species from 157 genera. Keywords: lichens, ichenicolous fungi, lichen flora, Central Forest … EndNote PDF Read more... 

Page 3539 of 3674 Results 35381 - 35390 of 36734