Page 3534 of 3674 Results 35331 - 35340 of 36739
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Fayyaz I., Afshan N.S., Niazi A.R., Khalid A.N. & Ruprecht U. (2022): A new species of Lecidella (Lecanorales, Ascomycota) from Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan - Acta Botanica Brasilica, 36: e2021abb0324 [6 p.]

The newly described species, Lecidella iqbalii sp. nov., is so far only known from Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. A comparative morpho-anatomical study combined with a phylogenetic analysis based on the marker ITS placed this species together with two accessions from southern South America in a distinct and highly supported group at the base of the Lecidella stigmatea clade. The taxon is characterized by a shiny thallus, strongly convex apothecia, a thin excipulum, a dark brown epihymenium and … URL EndNote Read more... 

Muggia L. & Chiva S. (2022): Catocala promissa mimetic on lichens - Notiziario della Società Lichenologica Italiana, 35: 99–101

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Miral A., Kautsky A., Alves-Carvalho S., Cottret L., Guillerm-Erckelboudt A.-Y., Buguet M., Rouaud I., Tranchimand S., Tomasi S. & Bartoli C. (2022): Rhizocarpon geographicum lichen discloses a highly diversified microbiota carrying antibiotic resistance and persistent organic pollutant tolerance - Microorganisms, 10(9): 1859 [18 p.]

As rock inhabitants, lichens are exposed to extreme and fluctuating abiotic conditions associated with poor sources of nutriments. These extreme conditions confer to lichens the unique ability to develop protective mechanisms. Consequently, lichen-associated microbes disclose highly versatile lifestyles and ecological plasticity, enabling them to withstand extreme environments. Because of their ability to grow in poor and extreme habitats, bacteria associated with lichens can tolerate a wide range … URL EndNote PDF Read more... 

Vallese C., Di Musciano M., Muggia L., Giordani P., Francesconi L., Benesperi R., Chiarucci A., Di Cecco V., Di Martino L., Di Nuzzo L., Gheza G., Zannini P. & Nascimbene J. (2022): Water-energy relationships shape the phylogenetic diversity of terricolous lichen communities in Mediterranean mountains: Implications for conservation in a climate change scenario - Fungal Ecology, 60: 101189 [7 p.]

Lichens are symbiotic organisms sensitive to climate change and susceptible to a severe decline in diversity, especially in high elevation environments that are already threatened. In this study, we focused on water-energy relationships derived from climatic variables and phylogenetic diversity indices of terricolous lichen communities occurring on a representative Mediterranean mountain. We hypothesized that the variation of precipitation and temperature and their interaction along the altitudinal … URL EndNote Read more... 

Petrová K., Bačkorová M., Demčišáková Z., Petrovová E., Goga M., Vilková M., Frenák R., Bačkor M., Mojžiš J. & Kello M. (2022): Usnic acid isolated from Usnea antarctica (Du Rietz) reduced in vitro angiogenesis in VEGF- and bFGF-stimulated HUVECs and ex ovo in quail chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay - Life, 12(9): 1444 [18 p.]

Natural products include a diverse set of compounds of drug discovery that are currently being actively used to target tumor angiogenesis. In the present study, we evaluated the anti-angiogenic activities of secondary metabolite usnic acid isolated from Usena antarctica. We investigated the in vitro effects on proliferation, migration, and tube formation of VEGF- and bFGF-stimulated HUVECs. Ex ovo anti-angiogenic activity was evaluated using the CAM assay. Our findings demonstrated that usnic acid … URL EndNote Read more... 

Урбанавичюс Г.П. & Урбанавичене И.Н. [Urbanavichus G.P. & Urbanavichene I.N.] (2022): Ядро заповедника «Кологривский лес» (Россия) – горячая точка биоразнообразия лишайников южной тайги в Восточной Европе [The core of the Kologriv Forest State Nature Reserve (Russia) is a hotspot of lichen biodiversity in the southern taiga of Eastern Europe] - Nature Conservation Research. Заповедная наука, 7(3): 46–63

[in Russian with English abstract: ] In this study, we aim to evaluate the diversity of lichens and allied non-lichenised fungi, co-existing in dark-coniferous and broad-leaved forests of the southern taiga in the East European Plain. The Kologriv Forest State Nature Reserve (589 km2) was established in 2006 to preserve the last fragments of the unique primeval forests of the southern taiga. The territory of the Kologriv cluster of the Kologriv Forest State Nature Reserve (481 km2) is located in … URL EndNote Read more... 

Blázquez M. (2022): Preliminary checklist of the lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) - Botanica Complutensis, 46: 1–45

A preliminary checklist of lichen-forming and lichenicolous fungi of Castilla-La Mancha is presented. A total of 5064 records have been compiled from 204 publications. The number of taxa ascends to 832, of which 820 are species and 12 infraspecific taxa. Of these 763 are lichenized and 69 correspond to lichenicolous fungi. Keywords. Lichens, checklist, lichen diversity, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. URL EndNote Read more... 

Kantelinen A., Printzen C., Poczai P. & Myllys L. (2022): Lichen speciation is sparked by a substrate requirement shift and reproduction mode differentiation - Scientific Reports, 12: 11048 [11 p.]

We show that obligate lignicoles in lichenized Micarea are predominately asexual whereas most facultative lignicoles reproduce sexually. Our phylogenetic analyses (ITS, mtSSU, Mcm7) together with ancestral state reconstruction show that the shift in reproduction mode has evolved independently several times within the group and that facultative and obligate lignicoles are sister species. The analyses support the assumption that the ancestor of these species was a facultative lignicole. We hypothezise … URL EndNote Read more... 

Kantelinen A., Purhonen J., Halme P. & Myllys L. (2022): Growth form matters – Crustose lichens on dead wood are sensitive to forest management - Forest Ecology and Management, 524: 120529 [12 p.]

Lichens have a vital role in forest ecosystems and they are a threatened group in boreal forests. However, the conservation ecology of the total lichen community has very rarely been studied. Here we studied lichen species and communities, including macrolichens (=foliose and fruticose growth forms) and rarely studied crustose lichens, on decaying wood in boreal spruce-dominated forests in Finland. We also studied obligate lignicoles that grow only on dead wood and are mostly crustose in growth … URL EndNote Read more... 

Monaci F., Ancora S., Paoli L., Loppi S. & Wania F. (2022): Lichen transplants as indicators of gaseous elemental mercury concentrations - Environmental Pollution, 313: 120189 [10 p.]

Lichens play an important role in the biogeochemical cycling of mercury (Hg) and are commonly used as indicators of Hg enrichment in remote and anthropogenically impacted environments. To assess their capacity for Hg uptake and accumulation, we determined the concentration of gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) in air and the concentration of total Hg (THg) in transplanted thalli of two lichen species. Lichen transplants and passive air samplers (PASs) were concurrently deployed, side by side, at 10 … URL EndNote Read more... 

Page 3534 of 3674 Results 35331 - 35340 of 36739