Lee S., Jeong S.Y., Nguyen D.L., So J.E., Kim K.H., Kim J.H., Han S.J., Suh S.-S., Lee J.H. & Youn U.J.
Stereocalpin B, a new cyclic depsipeptide from the Antarctic lichen Ramalina terebrata,
12: 141 [11 p.]
Stereocalpin B, a new cyclic depsipeptide (1), and a new dibenzofuran derivative (3), were
isolated from the Antarctic lichen, Ramalina terebrata (Ramalinaceae), along with a known cyclic
depsipeptide (2). The structures of new compounds were characterized by comprehensive spectrometric
analyses; high-resolution fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (HR-FABMS) and liquid
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Stereocalpin B (1) existed in a rotameric
equilibrium, which was confirmed …