Page 3533 of 3772 Results 35321 - 35330 of 37716
Id/Author/Year/TitleOrder by:  Year  Id  Author  Title
Lucadamo L., Gallo L. & Corapi A. (2022): Detection of air quality improvement within a suburban district (southern Italy) by means of lichen biomonitoring, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 13: 101346 [10 p.]

The present work compared both the bioaccumulation of trace elements and the values of ecophysiological parameters measured in thalli of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf in two monitoring campaigns performed before and after improvement measures put in place by a 15 MW biomass power plant (BPP): the activation of a concentrated solar thermodynamic plant and the increasing percentage of exhausted olive pomace used as fuel. The cases of no enrichment and moderate enrichment change from … URL EN Read more... 

Arakawa S., Kanaseki T., Wagner R. & Goodenough U. (2022): Ultrastructure of the foliose lichen Myelochroa leucotyliza and its solo fungal and algal (Trebouxia sp.) partners, Algal Research, 62: 102571 [21 p.]

Lichens are slow-growing niche-constructing organisms formed via scripted symbiotic/mutualist relationships between fungi, algae, and bacteria. We have used quick-freeze deep-etch electron microscopy (QFDEEM), coupled with several additional microscopic techniques, to analyze the Japanese foliose lichen Myelochroa leucotyliza. We have also examined its constituent fungi and algae grown separately (solo) and in co-culture in the laboratory, as well as solo fungi incubated with conditioned algal … URL EN Read more... 

Karthikeyan S., Gurbanov R. & Unal D. (2022): Pb intoxicated biomolecular changes in Cladonia convoluta studied using 2DCOS infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometric analysis, Vibrational Spectroscopy, 119: 103341 [9 p.]

Lead (Pb) is used in many industrial applications and is a toxic heavy metal that causes health hazards. Lichens are symbiotic associations that are environment friendly in removing toxic elements from the polluted environment. They can accumulate heavy metals and are therefore considered in biomonitoring of metal pollution. In this study, biochemical markers due to lead toxicity on Cladonia convoluta were revealed using two-dimensional correlation (2DCOS) spectra analysis. The 2DCOS enhances … URL EN Read more... 

Škvorová Z., Černajová I., Steinová J., Peksa O., Moya P. & Škaloud P. (2022): Promiscuity in lichens follows clear rules: Partner switching in Cladonia is regulated by climatic factors and soil chemistry, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12: 781585 [15 p.]

Climatic factors, soil chemistry and geography are considered as major factors affecting lichen distribution and diversity. To determine how these factors limit or support the associations between the symbiotic partners, we revise the lichen symbiosis as a network of relationships here. More than one thousand thalli of terricolous Cladonia lichens were collected at sites with a wide range of soil chemical properties from seven biogeographical regions of Europe. A total of 18 OTUs of the algal genus … URL EN Read more... 

Abecasis L., Gamelas C.A., Justino A.R., Dionísio I., Canha N., Kertesz Z. & Almeida S.M. (2022): Spatial distribution of air pollution, hotspots and sources in an urban-industrial area in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area, Portugal—A biomonitoring approach, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19: 1364 [20 p.]

This study aimed to understand the influence of industries (including steelworks, lime factories, and industry of metal waste management and treatment) on the air quality of the urbanindustrial area of Seixal (Portugal), where the local population has often expressed concerns regarding the air quality. The adopted strategy was based on biomonitoring of air pollution using transplanted lichens distributed over a grid to cover the study area. Moreover, the study was conducted during the first … URL EN Read more... 

Sepúlveda B., Cornejo A., Bárcenas‐Pérez D., Cheel J. & Areche C. (2022): Two new fumarprotocetraric acid lactones identified and characterized by UHPLC-PDA/ESI/ORBITRAP/MS/MS from the Antarctic lichen Cladonia metacorallifera, Separations, 9(2): 41 [11 p.]

Lichens are symbiotic organisms between algae and fungi, which are makers of secondary compounds named as lichen substances. Hyphenated techniques have significantly helped natural product chemistry, especially UHPLC/ESI/MS/MS in the identification, separation, and tentative characterization of secondary metabolites from natural sources. Twenty-five compounds were detected from the Antarctic lichen Cladonia metacorallifera for the first time using UHPLC-PDA/ESI/Orbitrap/MS/MS. Compounds 5 and 7 are … URL EN Read more... 

Lendemer J.C., Bungartz F., Morse C. & Manzitto-Tripp E.A. (2022): Sarcogyne similis (Acarosporaceae) produces psoromic acid and is confirmed to be widespread in North America, Bryologist, 125(1): 91–101

Sarcogyne similis is found to produce psoromic acid, a substance previously known from only one other species in the family Acarosporaceae. Study of more than one hundred specimens from throughout the range of S. similis confirms the species is widely distributed from Nova Scotia, Canada, south throughout much of the eastern United States, and westward through the Sonoran Desert to southern California, where it occurs on non-calcareous rocks, especially sandstone. The recently proposed synonymy … URL EN Read more... 

Davydov E.A. (2022): On the status of Umbilicaria aprina var. halei and U. canescens (Umbilicariaceae, lichenized Ascomycota), Phytotaxa, 533(1): 91–97

To clarify the nomenclature of Umbilicaria aprina var. halei and U. canescens, type material from LE and MIN was investigated. Description, measurements and photos of the thalloconidia of the type specimens are provided. According to our investigation Umbilicaria aprina var. halei is a synonym of U. rhizinata, and U. canescens is a synonym of U. aprina. Both species belong to the U. aprina group and are distinguished by the septation of their thalloconidia. Additional specimens identified by … URL EN Read more... 

Lee S., Jeong S.Y., Nguyen D.L., So J.E., Kim K.H., Kim J.H., Han S.J., Suh S.-S., Lee J.H. & Youn U.J. (2022): Stereocalpin B, a new cyclic depsipeptide from the Antarctic lichen Ramalina terebrata, Metabolites, 12: 141 [11 p.]

Stereocalpin B, a new cyclic depsipeptide (1), and a new dibenzofuran derivative (3), were isolated from the Antarctic lichen, Ramalina terebrata (Ramalinaceae), along with a known cyclic depsipeptide (2). The structures of new compounds were characterized by comprehensive spectrometric analyses; high-resolution fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (HR-FABMS) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Stereocalpin B (1) existed in a rotameric equilibrium, which was confirmed … URL EN Read more... 

Pyrczak-Felczykowska A., Reekie T.A., Jąkalski M., Hać A., Malinowska M., Pawlik A., Ryś K., Guzow-Krzemińska B. & Herman-Antosiewicz A. (2022): The isoxazole derivative of usnic acid induces an ER stress response in breast cancer cells that leads to paraptosis-like cell death, International Journal of Molecular Science, 23: 1802 [21 p.]

Derivatives of usnic acid (UA), a secondary metabolite from lichens, were synthesized to improve its anticancer activity and selectivity. Recently we reported the synthesis and activity of an UA isoxazole derivative, named 2b, against cancer cells of different origins. Herein, the molecular mechanisms underlying its activity and efficacy in vivo were tested. The viability of breast cancer or normal cells has been tested using an MTT assay. Cell and organelle morphology was analyzed using … URL EN Read more... 

Page 3533 of 3772 Results 35321 - 35330 of 37716